About the Images

All of the images here are in the public domain in the USA, with sources as indicated.

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image link-topic-sf0.jpg

From: Democrat Printing Co. Type Specimen Book (Madison, WI: Democrat Printing company, n.d. [1940s]) Digitized by and online at the Silver Buckle Press at the University of Wisconsin, Madison: http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/SilverBuckle.TypeSpecimen

The original of this document is in the public domain due to failure to comply with copyright formalities as then required. The Silver Buckle Press and the University of Wisconsin have not asserted new copyright on their digitization of this item (they have asserted a compilation copyright over their digital collection as an entire entity). CircuitousRoot does not assert any new copyright on the versions presented here. This image, therefore, is in the public domain.

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