James Conner

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1. Overview

1798-1861. Started the United States Type Foundry (NY; various business names). Father to William Crawford Conner and James M. Conner, who continued the foundry as James Conner's Sons, and a third son, Charles S. Conner, employed by the firm.

With his employee Edwin Starr, the originator of the process of electroforming matrices.

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The Printer. (1859)

[author unknown, probably David Bruce Jr.] [title unknown, probably Bruce's "Art of Type Founding" series] The Printer. Vol. 2, No. 1 (May, 1859): [pages unknown].

A biographical sketch of James Conner, sections of which (on electroforming matrices) were reprinted in Ringwalt's American Cyclopaedia of Printing (1871) and, from Ringwalt's reprint, in The Typographic (1871).

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Ringwalt. (1871)

Ringwalt, J. Luther, Ed. American Encyclopaedia of Printing. (Philadelphia, PA: Menamin & Ringwalt, 1871.) This article contains an extract of the material from the 1859 article in The Printer on Conner's early matrix electroforming.

The icon at left links to a PDF-format extract of the article on James Conner in Ringwalt (29 Megabytes).

[click image to read]

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The Typographic. (1871)

"James Conner." The Typographic. Vol. 1, No. 5 (December, 1871): [no pagination]

This is a reprint of the entry on Conner in Ringwalt. The icon at left links to a PDF of this article, extracted.

[click image to read]

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No. 10, James Conner

Loy, William E. "Typefounders and Typefounding in America: No. 8, James Conner." The Inland Printer, Vol. 27, No. 2 (May, 1901): 229. Digitized by Google from the University of Minnesota copy and available via the Hathi Trust. The UMN copy was originally bound without issue covers. This volume has also been digitized by Google from the Harvard University copy. The cover used in the PDF here is from that digitization.

The icon here links "up and over" to the presentation of this article on the CircuitousRoot Notebook on Loy's "Typefounders and Typefounding in America" series of articles

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