This is a copy of a book/handbook issued by the Ludlow Typograph Company to its sales force. This particular copy is No. 47; it is current through 1962. It appears here through the courtesy of its present owner, Jeff Shay.
This handbook is bound in a leather-covered Wilson Jones (brand) 6-ring binder, WJ p/n FP 51033 equipped with two Wilson Jones C-29 Sheet Lifters.
Genl. General Instructions
Section "Genl." ("General Instructions to Representatives") Dated 1938-11-25 and 1939-04-01.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (27 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-Genl-general-instructions-1938-1939-0600rgbjpg.pdf
L-M. Ludlow Machines
Complete Ludlow Typograph Machine equipments, with electrical and motor options and issues. Consumables and tools. Molds; special molds and ejector blades. Maximum dimensions for special molds. Dated 1962-10-22.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (32 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-L-M-ludlow-machines-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
L-AX. Auxiliary Ludlow Equipment
Supersurfacer. Shell-Hi Slug Shear. Star and Margach Automatic Metal Feeders. General equipment and tools. Matrix Dressing Tool A763. Burnishing Board and paper. Dated 1962-10-22.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (12 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-L-AX-auxiliary-equipment-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
CAB. Ludlow Matrix Cabinets
Angle Top and Universal Ludlow matrix cabinets, and their auxiliaries. Dated 1962-10-22.
Note that a "Universal" matrix cabinet is the big green style with fixed wooden partitions in the cases. The big grey style with removable plastic trays is a "Convertible-20"; it is not covered here.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (14 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-CAB-matrix-cabinets-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
STIX. Matrix Sticks
How to specify sticks when ordering. Good explanations of lining sticks. Explanation of why self-quadding and self-centering sticks appear to be expensive. Double-column single-slug sticks. Dated 1962-10-22.
Note: The special 40-degree italic sticks are not mentioned here. They are discussed, however, in the matrix font information for Typeface Families Nos. 48-MIC (Flair) and 51 (Formal Script), below.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (38 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-STIX-matrix-sticks-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
S&Q. Spaces and Quads
Dated 1962-10-22.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (23 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-SandQ-spaces-and-quads-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
FP. Font Price List
"Ludlow Matrix Font Price List." Dated 1962-10-22. Price lists A through L.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (21 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-FP-font-price-list-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
F. Fonts (General Information)
Ludlow typeface families by number, through No. 54. (Note: No 12 (Nicolas Jenson), 13, 26, 32, or 33.) Font scheme and sorts pricing notes. Matrix fonts available set-solid and not. Matrix fonts not yet available with self-size recesses. Matrix stick sizes required for various advertising figures and some large matrix fonts. Dated 1962-10-22 and 1963-07-12.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (12 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-F-font-general-information-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
Note: See the Ludlow Matrix Data, Specimens, & Typography section of CircuitousRoot Notebooks for Ludlow specimens and further matrix information.
F-1 to F-5. Matrix Fonts Nos. 1-5
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (56 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-F01-F05-fonts-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
F-6 to F-10. Matrix Fonts Nos. 6-10
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (49 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-F06-F10-fonts-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
F-11 to F-15. Matrix Fonts Nos. 11-15
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (16 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-F11-F15-fonts-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
F-16 to F-20. Matrix Fonts Nos. 16-20
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (24 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-F16-F20-fonts-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
F-21 to F-25. Matrix Fonts Nos. 21-25
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (37 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-F21-F25-fonts-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
F-26 to F-30. Matrix Fonts Nos. 26-30
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (56 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-F26-F30-fonts-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
F-31 to F-35. Matrix Fonts Nos. 31-35
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (14 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-F31-F35-fonts-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
F-36 to F-40. Matrix Fonts Nos. 36-40
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (41 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-F36-F40-fonts-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
F-41 to F-45. Matrix Fonts Nos. 41-45
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (31 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-F41-F45-fonts-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
F-46 to F-50. Matrix Fonts Nos. 46-50
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (25 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-F46-F50-fonts-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
F-51 to F-54. Matrix Fonts Nos. 51-54
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (20 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-F51-F54-fonts-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
Note: The following Ludlow faces were issued after this book.
Form 142. [Matrix] Font Schemes
Form 142. "Ludlow Font Scheme Chart" and matrix counts for Ludlow matrix font schemes. Dated 1962-10-22.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (19 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-form-142-font-schemes-0600rgbjpg.pdf
SF. Sorts Fonts
"Sorts Fonts" (fonting scheme for). Dated 1962-10-22.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (5 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-SF-sorts-fonts-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
S - S6. Miscellaneous Sorts Matrices
"Miscellaneous Sorts Matrices." Dated 1962-10-22.
The icon here links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (121 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-S-S6-miscellaneous-sorts-matrices-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
BOR. Borders and Ornaments
"Borders and Ornaments." Dated 1962-10-22.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (6 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-BOR-borders-and-ornaments-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
RF. Ruleform Matrices
"Ruleform Matrices." Dated 1962-10-22.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (13 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-RF-ruleform-matrices-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
R&L. Rules and Leaders
"Rules and Leaders." Dated 1962-10-22.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (18 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-RandL-rules-and-leaders-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
Acc. Accented-Character Matrices
"Accented-Character Matrices." Dated 1962-10-22.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (18 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-Acc-accented-character-matrices-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
E-M. Elrod Machines
"Elrod Machines." Dated 1962-10-22.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (25 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-E-M-elrod-machines-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
E-AX. Auxiliary Elrod Eqiupment
"Auxiliary Elrod Eqiupment." Dated 1962-10-22.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (12 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-E-AX-auxiliary-elrod-equipment-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
EL-MO. Elrod Molds
"Elrod Molds." Dated 1962-10-22.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (18 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-EL-MO-elrod-molds-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
W-D. Weights and Dimensions
W-D. "Weights of Equipment" (Ludlow Typograph Machine, Supersurfacer, Shell-Hi Slug Shear, Elrod, representative Ludlow matrix fonts). "Dimensions of Equipment" (Ludlow Typograph Machine, Elrod, matrix cabinets). Dated 1962-10-22.
Note that a "Universal" matrix cabinet is the big green style with fixed wooden partitions in the cases. The big grey style with removable plastic trays is a "Convertible-20"; it is not covered here.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (12 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-W-D-weights-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
Rblt-L. Rebuilt and Class "R" Equipment
"Rebuilt and Class "R" Equipment." Dated 1963-01-21 and 1962-10-22.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (9 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-Rblt-L-rebuilt-and-class-r-equipment-1963-01-21-0600rgbjpg.pdf
TA. Trade-In Allowances
"Standard Ludlow Trade-In Allowances." Dated 1962-10-22 (Effective 1945-10-16), with update 1963-10-21.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (18 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-TA-trade-in-allowances-1962-10-22-0600rgbjpg.pdf
"Terms." Dated 1962-10-22 and (partially crossed out) 1950-08-18.
The icon at left links to a presentation of this section at The Internet Archive. Here is a local copy as a PDF (21 Megabytes): ludlow-salesmen-47-Terms-1962-10-22-1950-08-18-0600rgbjpg.pdf
This work was published in the US without copyright notice at a time when such notice was required to secure copyright. It therefore passed into the public domain upon initial publication. This digital reprint remains in the public domain.
All portions of this document not noted otherwise are Copyright © 2013 by David M. MacMillan and Rollande Krandall.
Circuitous Root is a Registered Trademark of David M. MacMillan and Rollande Krandall.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons "Attribution - ShareAlike" license. See for its terms.
Presented originally by Circuitous Root®
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