[Austrian Netherlands] Decellier

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1. Overview

fl. 1779. Decellier Brussels. (Note: Belgium did not exist at this time. Bruxelles was in what was then the Austrian Netherlands.)

Successor of Rosart

2. Specimens, Catalogs, and Price Lists

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1779. Épreuve des Caracteres. 3rd Ed.

Epreuve des Caracteres, de la Fonderie de la Veuve Decellier, Successeur de Jacques-François Rosart. Troisieme Édition augmentée. (Bruxelles, Près du Marché aúx Grains, 1779) This volume has been digitized by Google from the copy of the Universiteit Gent (Université de Gand, Ghent University), Belgium. The icon here links to a local copy of the Google Books digitization.

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