[FR] Doublet

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1. Overview

1850-1878 E. H. Doublet. 1878-1908 Charles Doublet. 1908-1910 Doublet et Cie. 1910-1915 M. Doublet. "Characters" acquired by Gustave Peignot (but what of other materials and the business?)

See " History of Deberny et Peignot [http://amgweb.rit.edu/dphist1.htm]" at the Cary Graphic Arts Collection of the Rochester Institute of Technology library's website devoted to the 20th century magazine Arts et Métiers Graphiques: http://amgweb.rit.edu/index.htm. This history includes, as Appendix A to its Section III, a family tree of the "History of the Fonderie Deberny et Peignot, 1748 - 1972": http://amgweb.rit.edu/pdf/appendixa.pdf. This is in turn based on an (anonymous?) article: "Deberny et Peignot: La Belle Époque de la Typographie." Caractère, Vol. 12 (December 19750: 33-34.

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