Fonderie Typographique Français

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1. Overview

fl. 1925-1932. Paris.

Henning Krause (user "berlintypes") on flikr has a photograph of the cover of a specimen book of theirs, circa 1925-1932.

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Album d'Alphabets

Thibaudeau, F., ed. Album d'Alphabets pour la pratique du Croquis-Calque. Paris: G. de Malherbe, 1920s.

This is not a specimen book, but rather a book of specimens of types (available from the Fonderie Typographique Français) for use with the Manuel Français de Typograhie Moderne of F. Thibaudeau. "Croquis-Calque" translates literally as "skeleton tracing." I believe that it refers to a method of tracing very accurate typographical layouts.

This volume has been digitized by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and is available from the Gallica Bibliothèque Numérique at

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