[FR] Gillé

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1. Overview

1748-1789. Joseph Gaspard Gillé. 1789-1827. Joseph Gaspard Gillé fils. Paris. Merged into Laurent, Balzac & Barbier.

Google Books has digitized but not yet (2011) released two Épreuves des caractères de la fonderie de Joseph Gillé, one from 1764 and one from 1773 (the latter digitized twice).

See Howe, Ellic. Joseph Gaspard Gillé: Typefounder, printer, and typographer in Paris. (1946)

See " History of Deberny et Peignot [http://amgweb.rit.edu/dphist1.htm]" at the Cary Graphic Arts Collection of the Rochester Institute of Technology library's website devoted to the 20th century magazine Arts et Métiers Graphiques: http://amgweb.rit.edu/index.htm. This history includes, as Appendix A to its Section III, a family tree of the "History of the Fonderie Deberny et Peignot, 1748 - 1972": http://amgweb.rit.edu/pdf/appendixa.pdf. This is in turn based on an (anonymous?) article: "Deberny et Peignot: La Belle Époque de la Typographie." Caractère, Vol. 12 (December 19750: 33-34.

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