About the Images

All of the images here are in the public domain in the USA, with sources as indicated.

Often the originals are too large to present online. Click (or right-click to download) on each image for a larger (if not as large as possible) version.

The images which serve as links to other documents on this site are described on the "About the Images" pages for those linked documents.

[click image to view larger]

image link-to-on-notebooks-sf0.jpg

James Nasmyth, famed for his autobiography and his steam hammer. From James Nasmyth[,] Engineer[:] An Autobiography. Ed. Samuel Smiles. London: John Murray, 1883. This volume is in the public domain and widely available. This particular version of the image comes from the University of Michigan's copy, as scanned by Google Books. Cropping the image removed Google's "digital watermark" on the image, so I've added text to the same effect.