Three French Blacksmiths

hammer and anvil



These three images are taken from an old elementary French language text, Histoire de France: Cours Élémentaire, by Ernest Lavisse. (Edited by Marguerite Clément and Teresa Macirone. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1919). They were scanned in 2001 from the original by Dr. David M. MacMillan and are in the public domain.


smith a a portable forge The first image depicts what I think is a smith at a portable forge during a siege in the 15th or 16th centuries. He's in the right of the image, if your browser shows only the left. It seems a rather precarious working position. Then again, this may not be a blacksmith at all (the portable forge and bellows are there, but no anvil).

un forgeron The second image depicts a blacksmith, un forgeron, from the time of Henry IV (1553-1610; ruled 1589-1610). Here's the entire image, which shows also un moissonneur.

Louis XVI as a blacksmith The final image is that of Louis XVI as a blacksmith. The manual art of turning was popular with the upper classes; it's interesting to see that blacksmithing enjoyed a similar popularity, at least with a king. Gallery of Antiquarian Technology link image A Gallery of Antiquarian Technology [about this image] link image lemur.comSM [about this image]