Horological Street Scenes

Street Clock in Victorian Guildford (UK)

High Street, Guildford, Surrey (UK), with clock

This image of High Street, Guildford, Surrey (UK), comes from a tourist book entitled View Album [:] Photographs of the United Kingdom ("Volume I: One Hundred and Thirty-nine Views of the United Kingdom, comprising Principal Buildings, Seaside Resorts, Pastimes, &c.") published by The Photo Album Company, Limited, London. Although it is not dated, this book can be identified as coming from somewhere between 1893 (a date of a royal wedding noted in one photograph) and the first decade of the 20th century (no automobiles are present even in busy street scenes). Although the book's title claims it to be a book of photographs, the images themselves are a mixture of photographs, pure engravings, retouched photographs, and (probably) pure paintings or drawings. This book and its images are in the public domain.

Edinburgh Street Scenes

Edinburgh Tolbooth Clock

Edinburgh Clockmaker's Shop

These two street scenes from Victorian Edinburgh (Scotland) are from an article by Andrew Lang, "Edinburgh Old Town," which appeared in the January, 1884 issue (Vol. XXVII, No. 3) of The Century Magazine. They appeared on page 331 ("The Tolbooth") and page 332 ("Allan Ramsay's Shop"). These images are in the public domain.

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