The Orders and their Application
(Cross & Munby)

This is a reprint of the article "The Orders and Their Application" by Alfred W. S. Cross and Alan E. Munby. as it appeared in the Handbook for Architects and Builders, Vol. XXV (1922) ("Published under the auspices of the Illinois Society of Architects") pp. 600-609. It is a simplified introduction to the "orders" (column styles) of classical architecture. It covers the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders, but omits the Composite order.

Many of the images here are large (at least by 2004 standards - half a Megabyte or more). I apologize for this, but it was the only way to show sufficient detail in the drawings. Garret link image A Garret (for Artists and Writers) [about this image] link image lemur.comSM [about this image]