# list_glyphs_occidental.txt # Hershey glyphs, occidental, listed with annotations # Version 1 # # Format: Comma-separated fields; no escape for comma in data. # Poundsign/hashmark in column one indicates a comment line # Blank lines ok. # 132 line length max (VARKON limit) # Data fields: 1. glyph number, in printable decimal (e.g., 123) # 2. glyph short name, up to 8 ASCII characters # 3. provenance, coded as: # 0 Hershey in "Calligraphy for Computers" # 1 Hershey in Wolcott & Hilsenrath # 2 Wolcott's 43 in Wolcott & Hilsenrath # Note: PL says 43 glyphs, but my copy has 40, # including the duplicates 2250 & 2260 # 3 Hershey in Holzmann USENET distribution # 4 Holzmann in Holzmann USENET distribution # 5 Hershey from 0, 1, 3 in GNU Plotutils # 6 Hershey from 1 & 3 (not 0) in GNU Plotutils # 7 PGPLOT (Pearson) # 8 PGPLOT in GNU Plotutils # 9 PLOT79 (Beebe) # 10 PLOT79 (Beebe) in GNU Plotutils # 11 UGS (Beach/SLAC) # 12 UGS (Beach/SLAC) in GNU Plotutils # 13 Hershey, True BASIC # 14 Hershey, True BASIC in GNU Plotutils # 99 not sure # 4. comment # 5. baseline # # Abbreviations: # CC - Hershey, "Calligraphy for Computers," 1967 # WH - Wolcott & Hilsenrath, "A Contribution to Computer Typesetting", 1976 # HH - Holzmann & Hurt USENET distribution, 1980s # PG - Pearson, PGPLOT # NB - Beebe, PLOT79 # TB - Hershey, "Cartography & Typography with True BASIC", 1995 # PL - GNU Plotutils, 2.4.1 # # Uniplex Cartographic Taper0 Lineface - Latin Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, & HH via PL 1,A,5,, 2,B,5,, 3,C,5,, 4,D,5,, 5,E,5,, 6,F,5,, 7,G,5,, 8,H,5,, 9,I,5,, 10,J,5,, 11,K,5,, 12,L,5,, 13,M,5,, 14,N,5,, 15,O,5,, 16,P,5,, 17,Q,5,, 18,R,5,, 19,S,5,, 20,T,5,, 21,U,5,, 22,V,5,, 23,W,5,, 24,X,5,, 25,Y,5,, 26,Z,5,, # # Uniplex Cartographic Taper0 Lineface - Greek Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, & HH via PL 27,ALPHA,5,, 28,BETA,5,, 29,GAMMA,5,, 30,DELTA,5,, 31,EPSILON,5,, 32,ZETA,5,, 33,ETA,5,, 34,THETA,5,, 35,IOTA,5,, 36,KAPPA,5,, 37,LAMBDA,5,, 38,MU,5,, 39,NU,5,, 40,XI,5,, 41,OMIKRON,5,, 42,PI,5,, 43,RHO,5,, 44,SIGMA,5,, 45,TAU,5,, 46,UPSILON,5,, 47,PHI,5,, 48,CHI,5,, 49,PSI,5,, 50,OMEGA,5,, # # Uniplex Cartographic Taper0 Italic - Latin Uppercase Letters # TB (according to PL) via PL 51,A,14,, 52,B,14,, 53,C,14,, 54,D,14,, 55,E,14,, 56,F,14,, 57,G,14,, 58,H,14,, 59,I,14,, 60,J,14,, 61,K,14,, 62,L,14,, 63,M,14,, 64,N,14,, 65,O,14,, 66,P,14,, 67,Q,14,, 68,R,14,, 69,S,14,, 70,T,14,, 71,U,14,, 72,V,14,, 73,W,14,, 74,X,14,, 75,Y,14,, 76,Z,14,, # # 77-82 not used # # Uniplex Cartographic Taper0 Lineface - Symbols # Not sure of origin # Not in CC, WH, HH # 83,nabla,99,, 84,bckslash,99,, 85,caret,99,, # # 86-100 not used # # Uniplex Cartographic Taper0 Lineface - Latin Lowercase Letters # TB (according to PL) via PL 101,a,14,, 102,b,14,, 103,c,14,, 104,d,14,, 105,e,14,, 106,f,14,, 107,g,14,, 108,h,14,, 109,i,14,, 110,j,14,, 111,k,14,, 112,l,14,, 113,m,14,, 114,n,14,, 115,o,14,, 116,p,14,, 117,q,14,, 118,r,14,, 119,s,14,, 120,t,14,, 121,u,14,, 122,v,14,, 123,w,14,, 124,x,14,, 125,y,14,, 126,z,14,, # # Uniplex Cartographic Taper0 Lineface - Greek Lowercase Letters # Not sure of origin; in PL # Not in CC, WH, HH; not mentioned in h_glyphs.doc in PL 2.4.1 127,alpha,99,, 128,beta,99,, 129,gamma,99,, 130,delta,99,, 131,epsilon,99,, 132,zeta,99,, 133,eta,99,, 134,theta,99,, 135,iota,99,, 136,kappa,99,, 137,lambdaA,99,, 138,mu,99,, 139,nu,99,, 140,xi,99,, 141,omikron,99,, 142,pi,99,, 143,rho,99,, 144,sigma,99,, 145,tau,99,, 146,upsilon,99,, 147,phi,99,, 148,chi,99,, 149,psi,99,, 150,omega,99,, # # Uniplex Cartographic Taper0 Italic - Latin Lowercase Letters # TB (according to PL) via PL 151,a,14,, 152,b,14,, 153,c,14,, 154,d,14,, 155,e,14,, 156,f,14,, 157,g,14,, 158,h,14,, 159,i,14,, 160,j,14,, 161,k,14,, 162,l,14,, 163,m,14,, 164,n,14,, 165,o,14,, 166,p,14,, 167,q,14,, 168,r,14,, 169,s,14,, 170,t,14,, 171,u,14,, 172,v,14,, 173,w,14,, 174,x,14,, 175,y,14,, 176,z,14,, # # 177-182 not used # # Uniplex Cartographic Taper0 Lineface - Additional Greek Lowercase Letters # Not sure of origin; in PL # Not in CC, WH, HH; not mentioned in h_glyphs.doc in PL 2.4.1 183,delta,99,, 184,epsilon,99,, 185,theta,99,, 186,phi,99,, 187,f sigma,99,final sigma, # # 188-189 not used # # Uniplex Cartographic Taper0 Lineface - Additional Punctuation # TB via PL # Note on 197: In CC, this glyph is not defined # In WH, it is a zero-length space # 190,at sign,14,, 191,lessthan,14,, 192,grtrthan,14,, 193,lbracket,14,, 194,rbracket,14,, 195,lbrace,14,, 196,rbrace,14,, 197,percent,14,, # # Spaces # CC, WH, HH via PL # Note: In CC, 197 is not defined # In WH & HH, 197 is a zero-length space 198,space,5,4 raster unit space, 199,dblspace,5,8 raster unit space, # # Uniplex Cartographic Taper0 Lineface - Digits # CC, WH, HH via PL 200,0,5,, 201,1,5,, 202,2,5,, 203,3,5,, 204,4,5,, 205,5,5,, 206,6,5,, 207,7,5,, 208,8,5,, 209,9,5,, # # Uniplex Cartographic Taper0 Lineface - Symbols # CC (partial), WH, HH via PL # Identifications mostly from WH # Note: In CC, 210 (period) through 228 (asterisk) correspond, # but 229 is lozenge rather than dot, and 230 through # 500 are not defined. 210,period,5,, 211,comma,5,, 212,colon,5,, 213,semicol,5,semicolon, 214,exclam,5,exclamation, 215,question,5,interrogation, 216,prime,5,, 217,second,5,, 218,degree,5,, 219,dollar,5,, 220,solidus,5,, 221,lparen,5,left parenthesis, 222,rparen,5,right parenthesis, 223,vert bar,5,vertical bar, 224,minus,5,difference, 225,plus,5,sum, 226,equals,5,equality, 227,times,5,cross, 228,asterisk,5,, 229,dot,6,, 230,lquote,6,left single quotation mark, 231,rquote,6,right single quotation mark, 232,arrow,6,right arrow, 233,number,6,number sign or poundsign or hashmark, 234,ampersnd,6,ampersand, 235,lozenge,6,, # # Uniplex Cartographic Taper0 Lineface - Additional Symbol # Not sure of origin; in PL # Note: PL says 236 was an "@" in PGPLOT 236,infinity,99,, # # 237 not used # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - NBS Symbols, Range 1 # WH (without coordinate data), thence PG (according to PL) via PL # Not in HH # Note: The position of this range of glyphs is odd. # The original Hershey arrangement would seem to indicate that # glyphs 1-500 comprised the "Cartographic" size range # and were, further, within the 1-1000 "Uniplex" stroke range. # These glyphs are within these ranges, yet they are "Normal" # in size and some of them are clearly Duplex Taper1. # A few identifications attempted here. 238,ddot,8,double dot, 239,dbdot,8,double big dot, 240,?,8,, # 241,?,8,not used, 242,?,8,, # 243,?,8,not used, # 244,?,8,not used, # 245,?,8,not used, # 246,?,8,not used, # 247,?,8,not used, 248,?,8,, # 249,?,8,not used, 250,?,8,, # 251,?,8,not used, 252,?,8,, # 253,?,8,not used, 254,box,8,, # 255,?,8,not used, 256,vbigdot,8,very big dot, # 257,?,8,not used, 258,?,8,, 259,?,8,, # 260,?,8,not used, 261,1/2,8,, 262,1/3,8,, 263,1/6,8,, 264,1/8,8,, 265,2/3,8,, 266,3/8,8,, 267,5/8,8,, 268,7/8,8,, 269,5/6,8,, 270,1/4,8,, 271,3/4,8,, 272,ukpound,8,currency of the United Kingdom, 273,regtm,8,registered trademark symbol, 274,copy,8,copyright symbol, 275,?,8,, 276,3dot,8,triple dot, # 277,?,8,not used, 278,?,8,, 279,?,8,, 280,?,8,, 281,?,8,, 282,?,8,, # 283,?,8,not used, 284,?,8,, # # 285-500 not used # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Latin Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 501,A,5,, 502,B,5,, 503,C,5,, 504,D,5,, 505,E,5,, 506,F,5,, 507,G,5,, 508,H,5,, 509,I,5,, 510,J,5,, 511,K,5,, 512,L,5,, 513,M,5,, 514,N,5,, 515,O,5,, 516,P,5,, 517,Q,5,, 518,R,5,, 519,S,5,, 520,T,5,, 521,U,5,, 522,V,5,, 523,W,5,, 524,X,5,, 525,Y,5,, 526,Z,5,, # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Greek Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 527,ALPHA,5,, 528,BETA,5,, 529,GAMMA,5,, 530,DELTA,5,, 531,EPSILON,5,, 532,ZETA,5,, 533,ETA,5,, 534,THETA,5,, 535,IOTA,5,, 536,KAPPA,5,, 537,LAMBDA,5,, 538,MU,5,, 539,NU,5,, 540,XI,5,, 541,OMIKRON,5,, 542,PI,5,, 543,RHO,5,, 544,SIGMA,5,, 545,TAU,5,, 546,UPSILON,5,, 547,PHI,5,, 548,CHI,5,, 549,PSI,5,, 550,OMEGA,5,, # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Script - Latin Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 551,A,5,, 552,B,5,, 553,C,5,, 554,D,5,, 555,E,5,, 556,F,5,, 557,G,5,, 558,H,5,, 559,I,5,, 560,J,5,, 561,K,5,, 562,L,5,, 563,M,5,, 564,N,5,, 565,O,5,, 566,P,5,, 567,Q,5,, 568,R,5,, 569,S,5,, 570,T,5,, 571,U,5,, 572,V,5,, 573,W,5,, 574,X,5,, 575,Y,5,, 576,Z,5,, # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - symbols # 583: CC, WH, HH via PL # 584, 585: not sure of origin; via PL 583,nabla,99,, 584,bckslash,99,, 585,caret,99,, # # 586-600 not used # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Latin Lowercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 601,a,5,, 602,b,5,, 603,c,5,, 604,d,5,, 605,e,5,, 606,f,5,, 607,g,5,, 608,h,5,, 609,i,5,, 610,j,5,, 611,k,5,, 612,l,5,, 613,m,5,, 614,n,5,, 615,o,5,, 616,p,5,, 617,q,5,, 618,r,5,, 619,s,5,, 620,t,5,, 621,u,5,, 622,v,5,, 623,w,5,, 624,x,5,, 625,y,5,, 626,z,5,, # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Greek Lowercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 627,alpha,5,, 628,beta,5,, 629,gamma,5,, 630,delta,5,, 631,epsilon,5,, 632,zeta,5,, 633,eta,5,, 634,theta,5,, 635,iota,5,, 636,kappa,5,, 637,lambdaA,5,, 638,mu,5,, 639,nu,5,, 640,xi,5,, 641,omikron,5,, 642,pi,5,, 643,rho,5,, 644,sigma,5,, 645,tau,5,, 646,upsilon,5,, 647,phi,5,, 648,chi,5,, 649,psi,5,, 650,omega,5,, # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Script - Latin Lowercase Letters # CC (except 677), WH, HH via PL # Note that this range has an extra "l" at 677 651,a,5,, 652,b,5,, 653,c,5,, 654,d,5,, 655,e,5,, 656,f,5,, 657,g,5,, 658,h,5,, 659,i,5,, 660,j,5,, 661,k,5,, 662,l,5,, 663,m,5,, 664,n,5,, 665,o,5,, 666,p,5,, 667,q,5,, 668,r,5,, 669,s,5,, 670,t,5,, 671,u,5,, 672,v,5,, 673,w,5,, 674,x,5,, 675,y,5,, 676,z,5,, 677,l,6,alternative l, # # 678-682 not used # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Additional Greek Lowercase Letters # CC (except 687), WH, HH via PL 683,delta,5,, 684,epsilon,5,, 685,theta,5,, 686,phi,5,, 687,f sigma,6,final sigma, not in Calligraphy for Computers, # # 688-689 not used # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Additional Punctuation # TB via PL # Note on 697: In CC, this glyph is not defined # In WH, it is a zero-length space # 690,at sign,14,commercial at sign, 691,lessthan,14,, 692,grtrthan,14,, 693,lbracket,14,, 694,rbracket,14,, 695,lbrace,14,, 696,rbrace,14,, 697,percent,14,, # # Spaces # CC, WH, HH via PL # Note: In CC, 697 is not defined # In WH & HH, 697 is a zero-length space 698,space,5,4 raster unit space, 699,dblspac,5,8 raster unit space, # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Digits # CC, WH, HH via PL 700,0,5,, 701,1,5,, 702,2,5,, 703,3,5,, 704,4,5,, 705,5,5,, 706,6,5,, 707,7,5,, 708,8,5,, 709,9,5,, # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Symbols # CC (partial), WH, HH via PL # Identifications mostly from WH # Note: In CC, 710 (period) through 728 (asterisk) correspond, # but 729 is lozenge rather than dot, # 730 through 735 are the suits in a different order, # and 736 through 800 are not used. # Identifications mostly from Wolcott & Hilsenrath 710,period,5,, 711,comma,5,, 712,colon,5,, 713,semicol,5,semicolon, 714,exclam,5,exclamation, 715,question,5,interrogation, 716,prime,5,, 717,second,5,, 718,degree,5,, 719,dollar,5,, 720,solidus,5,, 721,lparen,5,left parenthesis, 722,rparen,5,right parenthesis, 723,vert bar,5,vertical bar, 724,minus,5,difference, 725,plus,5,sum, 726,equals,5,equality, 727,times,5,cross, 728,asterisk,5,, 729,dot,6,, 730,lquote,6,left single quotation mark, 731,rquote,6,right single quotation mark, 732,arrow,6,right arrow, 733,number,6,number sign or poundsign or hashmark, 734,ampersnd,6,ampersand, 735,lozenge,6,, # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Symbols # Note: PL says 236 was an "@" in PGPLOT, so 736 may come from the same. # 737-746 in WH, HH via PL # Identifications mostly from WH 736,infinity,99,, 737,parallel,6,, 738,perp,6,perpendicular, 739,angle,6,, 740,qed,6,conclusion, 741,spade,6,, 742,heart,6,, 743,diamond,6,, 744,club,6,, 745,shamrock,6,, 746,fleurdl,6,fleur de lis, # # 747-749 not used # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Meteorological Symbols # WH, HH via PL # Note: Not in CC # Identifications mostly from WH 750,drizzle,6,, 751,rain,6,, 752,snow,6,, 753,sfcldft,6,surface cold front, 754,sfwrmft,6,surface warm front, 755,50ktflg,6,50 knot flag, 756,upcldft,6,upper cold front, 757,upwrmft,6,upper warm front, 758,cumulo,6,, 759,alto,6,, 760,alto,6,, 761,cirro,6,, 762,lcirstrt,6,left cirrostrato, 763,rcirstrt,6,right cirrostrato, 764,sand,6,, 765,glaze,6,, 766,haze,6,, 767,tstorm,6,thunderstom, 768,hrrcane,6,hurricane, # # 769-795 not used # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Lines # CC (partial), WH, HH via PL # Note: CC omits the range 796-799 # Identifications mostly from WH # MISSING FROM PL: CC, WH, HH have: 803 and 808 (vertical lines), PL doesn't 796,horiz,6,horizontal line, 797,45 oblq,6,45 degree oblique line, 798,vertical,6,vertical line, 799,135 oblq,6,135 degree oblique line, 800,horiz,5,horizontal line, 801,30 oblq,5,30 degree oblique line, 802,60 oblq,5,60 degree oblique line, # 803,vertical,5,vertical in W&H but not used in Plotutils, 804,120 oblq,5,120 degree oblique line, 805,150 oblq,5,150 degree oblique line, 806,horiz,5,horizontal line, 807,45 oblq,5,45 degree oblique line, # 808,vertical,5,vertical in W&H but not used in Plotutils, 809,135 oblq,5,135 degree oblique line, # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Upper Quadrant Lines # CC, WH, HH # MISSING FROM PL: PL omits this range # Identifications mostly from Wolcott & Hilsenrath # 810,ulquad,1,upper left quadrant, # 811,llquad,1,lower left quadrant, # 812,lrquad,1,upper right quadrant, # 813,urquad,1,upper right quadrant, # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Quadrant Lines # CC, WH, HH via PL # Identifications mostly from WH 814,low quad,5,lower quadrant, 815,lft quad,5,left quadrant, 816,rt quad,5,right quadrant, 817,upr quad,5,upper quadrant, # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Zigzags and Loops # WH, HH via PL # Note: CC has only two zigzags, a horizontal one at 820 # (like the WH 819 glyph) and a vertical one at 821 # (like the WH 818 glyph) # CC has only four loops, 822-825 # Identifications mostly from Wolcott & Hilsenrath 818,v zigzag,6,vertical zigzag, 819,h zigzag,6,horizontal zigzag, 820,30zigzag,6,30 degree zigzag, 821,45zigzag,6,45 degree zigzag, 822,up loop,5,upper loop, 823,lf loop,5,left loop, 824,lw loop,5,lower loop, 825,rt loop,5,right loop, 826,30 loop,6,30 degree loop, 827,45 loop,6,45 degree loop, # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Electrical Symbols # CC, WH, HH via PL # MISSING FROM PL: 829 is present in CC & WH, but not in Plotutils data 828,junction,5,, # 829,jumper,5,in CC & WH but not in PL, 830,grid,5,, 831,shield,5,, 832,filament,5,, 833,ground,5,, 834,antenna,5,, # # 835-839 not used # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Symbols # CC, WH, HH via PL # Identifications mostly from WH # MISSING FROM PL: CC & WH both have 857, but PL does not 840,circle,5,, 841,square,5,, 842,triangle,5,, 843,diamond,5,, 844,star,5,, 845,mark,5,, 846,cross,5,, 847,asterisk,5,, # 848,not used,5,not used, # 849,not used,5,not used, 850,circle,5,, 851,square,5,, 852,up vert,5,up vertex, 853,lf vert,5,left vertex, 854,dn vert,5,down vertex, 855,rt vert,5,right vertex, 856,star,5,, 857,flag,5,, # # 858-859 not used # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Cartographic Symbols # CC (except 869), WH, HH via PL # Identifications mostly from WH # Note: CC does not have 869 (bell) 860,anchorg,5,anchorage, 861,airport,5,aerodrome, 862,mine,5,, 863,derrick,5,, 864,lghtship,5,lightship, 865,wreck,5,, 866,cross,5,, 867,crescent,5,, 868,star,5,star of david, 869,bell,6,not in CC, 870,palm,5,, 871,pine,5,, 872,oak,5,, 873,willow,5,, 874,grass,5,, # # 875-898 not used # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Circles # CC, WH, HH via PL # Identifications mostly from WH 899,dot,5,, 900,2 circ,5,2 unit circle, 901,4 circ,5,4 unit circle, 902,5 circ,5,5 unit circle, 903,7 circ,5,7 unit circle, 904,11 circ,5,11 unit circle, 905,17 circ,5,17 unit circle, 906,22 circ,5,22 unit circle, 907,41 circ,5,41 unit circle, # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Highway Shields # CC, WH, HH via PL # Identifications mostly from WH 908,US Hwy,5,US Highway System Shield, 909,IS Hwy,5,US Interstate Highway System Shield, # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - cent sign # WH (without coordinate data), thence PG (according to PL) via PL 910,cent,8,, # # 911-1000 not used # # Horizontal Strokes # 997-999 not in CC, WH, but are in HH # MISSING FROM PL: 997-999 # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Roman - Latin Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 1001,A,5,, 1002,B,5,, 1003,C,5,, 1004,D,5,, 1005,E,5,, 1006,F,5,, 1007,G,5,, 1008,H,5,, 1009,I,5,, 1010,J,5,, 1011,K,5,, 1012,L,5,, 1013,M,5,, 1014,N,5,, 1015,O,5,, 1016,P,5,, 1017,Q,5,, 1018,R,5,, 1019,S,5,, 1020,T,5,, 1021,U,5,, 1022,V,5,, 1023,W,5,, 1024,X,5,, 1025,Y,5,, 1026,Z,5,, # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Roman - Greek Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 1027,ALPHA,5,, 1028,BETA,5,, 1029,GAMMA,5,, 1030,DELTA,5,, 1031,EPSILON,5,, 1032,ZETA,5,, 1033,ETA,5,, 1034,THETA,5,, 1035,IOTA,5,, 1036,KAPPA,5,, 1037,LAMBDA,5,, 1038,MU,5,, 1039,NU,5,, 1040,XI,5,, 1041,OMIKRON,5,, 1042,PI,5,, 1043,RHO,5,, 1044,SIGMA,5,, 1045,TAU,5,, 1046,UPSILON,5,, 1047,PHI,5,, 1048,CHI,5,, 1049,PSI,5,, 1050,OMEGA,5,, # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Italic - Latin Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 1051,A,5,, 1052,B,5,, 1053,C,5,, 1054,D,5,, 1055,E,5,, 1056,F,5,, 1057,G,5,, 1058,H,5,, 1059,I,5,, 1060,J,5,, 1061,K,5,, 1062,L,5,, 1063,M,5,, 1064,N,5,, 1065,O,5,, 1066,P,5,, 1067,Q,5,, 1068,R,5,, 1069,S,5,, 1070,T,5,, 1071,U,5,, 1072,V,5,, 1073,W,5,, 1074,X,5,, 1075,Y,5,, 1076,Z,5,, # # 1077-1083 not used # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Roman - Symbols # not sure of origin; in PL # Note: 1083 would by parallelism be nabla, but is empty. 1084,bckslash,99,, 1085,caret,99,, # # 1086-1100 not used # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Roman - Latin Lowercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 1101,a,5,, 1102,b,5,, 1103,c,5,, 1104,d,5,, 1105,e,5,, 1106,f,5,, 1107,g,5,, 1108,h,5,, 1109,i,5,, 1110,j,5,, 1111,k,5,, 1112,l,5,, 1113,m,5,, 1114,n,5,, 1115,o,5,, 1116,p,5,, 1117,q,5,, 1118,r,5,, 1119,s,5,, 1120,t,5,, 1121,u,5,, 1122,v,5,, 1123,w,5,, 1124,x,5,, 1125,y,5,, 1126,z,5,, # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Roman - Greek Lowercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 1127,alpha,5,, 1128,beta,5,, 1129,gamma,5,, 1130,delta,5,, 1131,epsilon,5,, 1132,zeta,5,, 1133,eta,5,, 1134,theta,5,, 1135,iota,5,, 1136,kappa,5,, 1137,lambdaA,5,, 1138,mu,5,, 1139,nu,5,, 1140,xi,5,, 1141,omikron,5,, 1142,pi,5,, 1143,rho,5,, 1144,sigma,5,, 1145,tau,5,, 1146,upsilon,5,, 1147,phi,5,, 1148,chi,5,, 1149,psi,5,, 1150,omega,99,, # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Italic - Latin Lowercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 1151,a,5,, 1152,b,5,, 1153,c,5,, 1154,d,5,, 1155,e,5,, 1156,f,5,, 1157,g,5,, 1158,h,5,, 1159,i,5,, 1160,j,5,, 1161,k,5,, 1162,l,5,, 1163,m,5,, 1164,n,5,, 1165,o,5,, 1166,p,5,, 1167,q,5,, 1168,r,5,, 1169,s,5,, 1170,t,5,, 1171,u,5,, 1172,v,5,, 1173,w,5,, 1174,x,5,, 1175,y,5,, 1176,z,5,, # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Roman - Latin Lowercase Ligatures # CC (except 1182), WH, HH via PL 1177,ff,5,, 1178,fi,5,, 1179,fl,5,, 1180,ffi,5,, 1181,ffl,5,, 1182,i,6,dotless i, # # 1183 not used # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Roman - Additional Greek Lowercase Characters # CC (except 1186), WH, HH via PL 1184,epsilon,5,, 1185,theta,5,, 1186,phi,5,, 1187,f sigma,5,final sigma, # # 1188-1190 not used # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Italic - Latin Lowercase Ligatures # CC (except 1196), WH, HH via PL 1191,ff,5,, 1192,fi,5,, 1193,fl,5,, 1194,ffi,5,, 1195,ffl,5,, 1196,i,6,dotless i, # # Spaces # Note: In WH 1197 is a zero-length space. # In PL it is not used # 1197,nospace,6,zero raster unit space, 1198,space,5,4 raster unit space, 1199,dblspace,5,8 raster unit space, # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Roman - Digits # CC, WH, HH via PL 1200,0,5,, 1201,1,5,, 1202,2,5,, 1203,3,5,, 1204,4,5,, 1205,5,5,, 1206,6,5,, 1207,7,5,, 1208,8,5,, 1209,9,5,, # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Roman - Symbols # CC, WH, HH via PL # Identifications mostly from WH 1210,period,5,, 1211,comma,5,, 1212,colon,5,, 1213,semicolon,5,, 1214,exclam,5,exclamation, 1215,question,5,interrogation, 1216,prime,5,, 1217,second,5,, 1218,degree,5,, 1219,asterisk,5,, 1220,solidus,5,, 1221,lparen,5,, 1222,rparen,5,, 1223,lbracket,5,left square bracket, 1224,rbracket,5,right square bracket, 1225,lbrace,5,aka curly bracket, 1226,rbrace,5,aka curly bracket, 1227,lelbow,5,left elbow, 1228,relbow,5,right elbow, 1229,bar,5,vertical bar, 1230,dblbar,5,double vertical bar, 1231,minus,5,, 1232,plus,5,, 1233,plusmin,5,plus or minus, 1234,minplus,5,minus or plus, 1235,crossp,5,cross product, 1236,dotp,5,dot product, 1237,quotient,5,division sign, 1238,equality,5,, 1239,inequality,5,, 1240,identity,5,, 1241,less,5,, 1242,more,5,, 1243,eq less,5,equal or less, 1244,eq more,5,equal or more, 1245,variatn,5,variation, 1246,approx,5,approximation, # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Roman - Symbols # CC (1247 and 1261-1264 only), WH, HH via PL # Identifications mostly from WH 1247,caret,5,, 1248,acute,6,acute accent, 1249,grave accent,6,, 1250,breve,6,, 1251,rquote,6,right single quotation mark, 1252,lquote,6,left single quotation mark, 1253,nrm asp,6,normal aspirate, 1254,inv asp,6,inverted aspirate, # 1255 not used 1256,rt hook,6,right hook, 1257,up hook,6,up hook, 1258,lf hook,6,left hook, 1259,dn hook,6,down hook, 1260,element,6,, 1261,rt arrow,5,right arrow, 1262,up arrow,5,up arrow, 1263,lf arrow,5,lf arrow, 1264,dn arrow,5,down arrow, # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Roman - Mathematical Symbols # CC, WH, HH via PL 1265,delta,5,, 1266,nabla,5,, 1267,radical,5,, 1268,integral,5,, 1269,circ int,5,circuit integral, 1270,infinity,5,, 1271,percent,5,, 1272,ampersnd,5,ampersand, 1273,at,5,commercial at sign, 1274,dollar,5,, 1275,number,5,aka hash mark or pound sign, 1276,section,5,incorrectly called paragraph in WH, 1277,dagger,5,, 1278,ddagger,5,double dagger, 1279,exist,5,existence, # # 1280 not used # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Roman - Astronomical Symbols # CC, WH, HH via PL 1281,sun,5,, 1282,mercury,5,, 1283,venus,5,, 1284,earth,5,, 1285,mars,5,, 1286,jupiter,5,, 1287,saturn,5,, 1288,uranus,5,, 1289,neptune,5,, 1290,pluto,5,, 1291,moon,5,, 1292,comet,5,, 1293,star,5,, 1294,as node,5,ascending node, 1295,ds node,5,descending node, # # 1296-1400 not used # # Duplex Indexical Taper1 Roman - Large Math Symbols # WH, HH via PL # Identifications mostly from WH 1401,PI,6,, 1402,SIGMA,6,, 1403,lparen,6,left parenthesis, 1404,rparen,6,right parenthesis, 1405,lbrack,6,left square bracket, 1406,rbrack,6,right square bracket, 1407,lbrace,6,aka curly bracket, 1408,rbrace,6,aka curly bracket, 1409,uhalfbr,6,upper half brace, 1410,lhalfbr,6,lower half brace, 1411,radical,6,root sign, 1412,integral,6,, # # 1413-2000 not used # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Latin Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 2001,A,5,, 2002,B,5,, 2003,C,5,, 2004,D,5,, 2005,E,5,, 2006,F,5,, 2007,G,5,, 2008,H,5,, 2009,I,5,, 2010,J,5,, 2011,K,5,, 2012,L,5,, 2013,M,5,, 2014,N,5,, 2015,O,5,, 2016,P,5,, 2017,Q,5,, 2018,R,5,, 2019,S,5,, 2020,T,5,, 2021,U,5,, 2022,V,5,, 2023,W,5,, 2024,X,5,, 2025,Y,5,, 2026,Z,5,, # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Greek Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, & HH via PL 2027,ALPHA,5,, 2028,BETA,5,, 2029,GAMMA,5,, 2030,DELTA,5,, 2031,EPSILON,5,, 2032,ZETA,5,, 2033,ETA,5,, 2034,THETA,5,, 2035,IOTA,5,, 2036,KAPPA,5,, 2037,LAMBDA,5,, 2038,MU,5,, 2039,NU,5,, 2040,XI,5,, 2041,OMIKRON,5,, 2042,PI,5,, 2043,RHO,5,, 2044,SIGMA,5,, 2045,TAU,5,, 2046,UPSILON,5,, 2047,PHI,5,, 2048,CHI,5,, 2049,PSI,5,, 2050,OMEGA,5,, # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Italic - Latin Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, & HH via PL 2051,A,5,, 2052,B,5,, 2053,C,5,, 2054,D,5,, 2055,E,5,, 2056,F,5,, 2057,G,5,, 2058,H,5,, 2059,I,5,, 2060,J,5,, 2061,K,5,, 2062,L,5,, 2063,M,5,, 2064,N,5,, 2065,O,5,, 2066,P,5,, 2067,Q,5,, 2068,R,5,, 2069,S,5,, 2070,T,5,, 2071,U,5,, 2072,V,5,, 2073,W,5,, 2074,X,5,, 2075,Y,5,, 2076,Z,5,, # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Italic - Other Letters # 2077: CC, WH, & HH via PL # 2078: PG via PL (named "Aring" in PL) # 2084: not sure # 2085: not sure 2077,aleph,5,, 2078,a ring,8,, # 2079-2083 not used 2084,backslsh,99,backslash, 2085,caret,99,, # # 2086-2099 not used # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Latin Lowercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 2101,a,5,, 2102,b,5,, 2103,c,5,, 2104,d,5,, 2105,e,5,, 2106,f,5,, 2107,g,5,, 2108,h,5,, 2109,i,5,, 2110,j,5,, 2111,k,5,, 2112,l,5,, 2113,m,5,, 2114,n,5,, 2115,o,5,, 2116,p,5,, 2117,q,5,, 2118,r,5,, 2119,s,5,, 2120,t,5,, 2121,u,5,, 2122,v,5,, 2123,w,5,, 2124,x,5,, 2125,y,5,, 2126,z,5,, # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Greek Lowercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 2127,alpha,5,, 2128,beta,5,, 2129,gamma,5,, 2130,delta,5,, 2131,epsilon,5,, 2132,zeta,5,, 2133,eta,5,, 2134,theta,5,, 2135,iota,5,, 2136,kappa,5,, 2137,lambdaA,5,, 2138,mu,5,, 2139,nu,5,, 2140,xi,5,, 2141,omikron,5,, 2142,pi,5,, 2143,rho,5,, 2144,sigma,5,, 2145,tau,5,, 2146,upsilon,5,, 2147,phi,5,, 2148,chi,5,, 2149,psi,5,, 2150,omega,5,, # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Italic - Latin Lowercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 2151,a,5,, 2152,b,5,, 2153,c,5,, 2154,d,5,, 2155,e,5,, 2156,f,5,, 2157,g,5,, 2158,h,5,, 2159,i,5,, 2160,j,5,, 2161,k,5,, 2162,l,5,, 2163,m,5,, 2164,n,5,, 2165,o,5,, 2166,p,5,, 2167,q,5,, 2168,r,5,, 2169,s,5,, 2170,t,5,, 2171,u,5,, 2172,v,5,, 2173,w,5,, 2174,x,5,, 2175,y,5,, 2176,z,5,, # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Latin Lowercase Ligatures # CC (except 2182), WH, HH via PL 2177,ff,5,, 2178,fi,5,, 2179,fl,5,, 2180,ffi,5,, 2181,ffl,5,, 2182,i,6,dotless i, # # 2183 not used # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Additional Greek Lowercase Characters # CC (except 2187), WH, HH via PL 2184,epsilon,5,, 2185,theta,5,, 2186,phi,5,, 2187,f sigma,6,final sigma, # # 1188-1189 not used # # CC, WH, HH via PL # Note: CC has this glyph at 2197 2190,?,5,, # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Italic - Latin Lowercase Ligatures # CC (except 2196), WH, HH via PL # Note: CC has a script lowercase l at 2196 2191,ff,5,, 2192,fi,5,, 2193,fl,5,, 2194,ffi,5,, 2195,ffl,5,, 2196,i,6,dotless i, # # Spaces # Note: In WH 2197 is a zero-length space. # In PL it is not used # 2197,nospace,6,zero raster unit space, 2198,space,5,4 raster unit space, 2199,dblspace,5,8 raster unit space, # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Digits # CC, WH, HH via PL 2200,0,5,, 2201,1,5,, 2202,2,5,, 2203,3,5,, 2204,4,5,, 2205,5,5,, 2206,6,5,, 2207,7,5,, 2208,8,5,, 2209,9,5,, # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Symbols # CC, WH, HH via PL # Identifications mostly from WH 2210,period,5,, 2211,comma,5,, 2212,colon,5,, 2213,semicolon,5,, 2214,exclam,5,exclamation, 2215,question,5,interrogation, 2216,prime,5,, 2217,second,5,, 2218,degree,5,, 2219,asterisk,5,, 2220,solidus,5,, 2221,lparen,5,, 2222,rparen,5,, 2223,lbracket,5,left square bracket, 2224,rbracket,5,right square bracket, 2225,lbrace,5,aka curly bracket, 2226,rbrace,5,aka curly bracket, 2227,lelbow,5,left elbow, 2228,relbow,5,right elbow, 2229,bar,5,vertical bar, 2230,dblbar,5,double vertical bar, 2231,minus,5,, 2232,plus,5,, 2233,plusmin,5,plus or minus, 2234,minplus,5,minus or plus, 2235,crossp,5,cross product, 2236,dotp,5,dot product, 2237,quotient,5,division sign, 2238,equality,5,, 2239,inequality,5,, 2240,identity,5,, 2241,less,5,, 2242,more,5,, 2243,eq less,5,equal or less, 2244,eq more,5,equal or more, 2245,variatn,5,variation, 2246,approx,5,approximation, # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Symbols # CC (with exceptions), WH, HH via PL # Identifications mostly from WH # CC lacks 2247-2250 # CC 2251 = double bar # CC 2252 = perpendicular # CC 2253 = angle # CC 2254 = qed # 2250 and 2260 also appear in Wolcott's NBS glyph table, but as PL notes this is # probably an error 2247,caret,6,, 2248,acute,6,acute accent, 2249,grave accent,6,, 2250,breve,6,, 2251,rquote,6,right single quotation mark, 2252,lquote,6,left single quotation mark, 2253,nrm asp,6,normal aspirate, 2254,inv asp,6,inverted aspirate, 2255,radical,5,root sign, 2256,rt hook,5,right hook, 2257,up hook,5,up hook, 2258,lf hook,5,left hook, 2259,dn hook,5,down hook, 2260,element,5,, 2261,rt arrow,5,right arrow, 2262,up arrow,5,up arrow, 2263,lf arrow,5,lf arrow, 2264,dn arrow,5,down arrow, # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Mathematical Symbols # CC (except 2279), WH, HH via PL 2265,delta,5,, 2266,nabla,5,, 2267,radical,5,, 2268,integral,5,, 2269,circ int,5,circuit integral, 2270,infinity,5,, 2271,percent,5,, 2272,ampersnd,5,ampersand, 2273,at,5,commercial at sign, 2274,dollar,5,, 2275,number,5,aka hash mark or pound sign, 2276,section,5,incorrectly called paragraph in WH, 2277,dagger,5,, 2278,ddagger,5,double dagger, 2279,exist,6,existence, # # 2280 not used # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Astronomical Symbols # CC (except 2291-2295), WH, HH via PL 2281,sun,5,, 2282,mercury,5,, 2283,venus,5,, 2284,earth,5,, 2285,mars,5,, 2286,jupiter,5,, 2287,saturn,5,, 2288,uranus,5,, 2289,neptune,5,, 2290,pluto,5,, 2291,moon,5,, 2292,comet,5,, 2293,star,5,, 2294,as node,5,ascending node, 2295,ds node,5,descending node, # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Arrows # WH (without coordinate data), thence PG (according to PL) via PL 2296,ur arrow,8,arrow pointing up and right, 2297,dl arrow,8,arrow pointing down and left, 2298,ul arrow,8,arrow pointing up and left, 2299,dr arrow,8,arrow pointing down and right, # # 2300 not used # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Zodiacal Symbols # CC, WH, HH via PL 2301,aries,5,, 2302,taurus,5,, 2303,gemini,5,, 2304,cancer,5,, 2305,leo,5,, 2306,virgo,5,, 2307,libra,5,, 2308,scorpio,5,, 2309,sagit,5,sagitarius, 2310,capric,5,capricornus, 2311,aquarius,5,, 2312,pisces,5,, # # 2313-2316 not used # # Duplex & Triplex Normal Taper1 Musical Typeface - Musical Symbols # CC (some), WH, HH via PL # CC 2317 not used # CC 2321 = WH 2322 quarter note # CC 2322 = WH 2323 sharp # CC 2323 = WH 2324 natural # CC 2324 = WH 2325 flat # CC 2325 = a sort of square rest symbol 2317,dot,6,, 2318,up flag,5,upper flag, 2319,lw flag,5,lower flag, 2320,whole,5,whole note, 2321,half,6,half note, 2322,quarter,6,quarter note, 2323,sharp,6,, 2324,natural,6,, 2325,flat,6,, 2326,wh rest,5,whole rest, 2327,hf rest,5,half rest, 2328,qt rest,5,quarter rest, 2329,8th rest,5,eighth rest, 2330,g clef,5,, 2331,f clef,5,, 2332,c clef,5,, # # 2333-2366 not used # # Duplex & Triplex Normal Taper1 Musical Typeface - Musical Symbols Again # WH, HH via PL 2367,dot,6,, 2368,up flag,6,upper flag, 2369,lw flag,6,lower flag, 2370,whole,6,whole note, 2371,half,6,half note, 2372,quarter,6,quarter note, 2373,sharp,6,, 2374,natural,6,, 2375,flat,6,, 2376,wh rest,6,whole rest, 2377,hf rest,6,half rest, 2378,qt rest,6,quarter rest, 2379,8th rest,6,eighth rest, 2380,g clef,6,, 2381,f clef,6,, 2382,c clef,6,, # # 2283-2400 not used # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Large Grouping Symbols # CC, WH, HH via PL # Note: 2411 has a vertical line in CC 2401,PI,5,, 2402,SIGMA,5,, 2403,llparen,5,large left parenthesis, 2404,lrparen,5,large right parenthesis, 2405,llbracket,5,large left (square) bracket, 2406,lrbracket,5,large right (square) bracket, 2407,llbrace,5,large left (curly) brace, 2408,lrbrace,5,large right (curly) brace, 2409,uhbrace,5,very large upper half of a (curly) brace, 2410,lhbrace,5,very large lower half of a (curly) brace, 2411,radical,5,root sign, 2412,integral,5,, # # 2413-2500 not used # # Duplex Normal Taper0 Sans Serif - Latin Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL # Note: This is the only Duplex Taper0 face 2501,A,5,, 2502,B,5,, 2503,C,5,, 2504,D,5,, 2505,E,5,, 2506,F,5,, 2507,G,5,, 2508,H,5,, 2509,I,5,, 2510,J,5,, 2511,K,5,, 2512,L,5,, 2513,M,5,, 2514,N,5,, 2515,O,5,, 2516,P,5,, 2517,Q,5,, 2518,R,5,, 2519,S,5,, 2520,T,5,, 2521,U,5,, 2522,V,5,, 2523,W,5,, 2524,X,5,, 2525,Y,5,, 2526,Z,5,, # # 2527-2550 not used (no san serif Greek) # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Script - Latin Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 2551,A,5,, 2552,B,5,, 2553,C,5,, 2554,D,5,, 2555,E,5,, 2556,F,5,, 2557,G,5,, 2558,H,5,, 2559,I,5,, 2560,J,5,, 2561,K,5,, 2562,L,5,, 2563,M,5,, 2564,N,5,, 2565,O,5,, 2566,P,5,, 2567,Q,5,, 2568,R,5,, 2569,S,5,, 2570,T,5,, 2571,U,5,, 2572,V,5,, 2573,W,5,, 2574,X,5,, 2575,Y,5,, 2576,Z,5,, # # 2577-2600 not used # # Duplex Normal Taper0 San Serif - Latin Lowercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL # Note: This is the only Duplex Taper0 face 2601,a,5,, 2602,b,5,, 2603,c,5,, 2604,d,5,, 2605,e,5,, 2606,f,5,, 2607,g,5,, 2608,h,5,, 2609,i,5,, 2610,j,5,, 2611,k,5,, 2612,l,5,, 2613,m,5,, 2614,n,5,, 2615,o,5,, 2616,p,5,, 2617,q,5,, 2618,r,5,, 2619,s,5,, 2620,t,5,, 2621,u,5,, 2622,v,5,, 2623,w,5,, 2624,x,5,, 2625,y,5,, 2626,z,5,, # # 2627-2650 not used (no san serif Greek) # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Script - Latin Lowercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL 2651,a,5,, 2652,b,5,, 2653,c,5,, 2654,d,5,, 2655,e,5,, 2656,f,5,, 2657,g,5,, 2658,h,5,, 2659,i,5,, 2660,j,5,, 2661,k,5,, 2662,l,5,, 2663,m,5,, 2664,n,5,, 2665,o,5,, 2666,p,5,, 2667,q,5,, 2668,r,5,, 2669,s,5,, 2670,t,5,, 2671,u,5,, 2672,v,5,, 2673,w,5,, 2674,x,5,, 2675,y,5,, 2676,z,5,, # # Spaces # Note: In WH 2697 is a zero-length space. # In PL it is not used # 2697,nospace,6,zero raster unit space, 2698,space,5,4 raster unit space, 2699,dblspace,5,8 raster unit space, # # Duplex Normal Taper0 San Serif - Digits # WH, HH via PL # Note: This is the only Duplex Taper0 face 2700,0,6,, 2701,1,6,, 2702,2,6,, 2703,3,6,, 2704,4,6,, 2705,5,6,, 2706,6,6,, 2707,7,6,, 2708,8,6,, 2709,9,6,, # # Duplex Normal Taper0 San Serif - Symbols # 2710-2729: WH, HH via PL # 2730-2735: not sure # Identifications mostly from WH # Note: This is the only Duplex Taper0 face 2710,period,6,, 2711,comma,6,, 2712,colon,6,, 2713,semicolon,6,, 2714,exclam,6,exclamation, 2715,question,6,interrogation, 2716,lquote,6,left single quote, 2717,rquote,6,right single quote, 2718,ampersand,6,, 2719,dollar,6,, 2720,solidus,6,, 2721,lparen,6,left parenthesis, 2722,rparen,6,right parenthesis, 2723,asterisk,6,, 2724,minus,6,subtraction, 2725,plus,6,addition, 2726,equality,6,, 2727,prime,6,, 2728,second,6,, 2729,degree,6,, 2730,lessthan,99,less than, 2731,grtrthan,99,greater than, 2732,number,99,aka hash mark or pound sign, 2733,percent,99,how many [Wonka bars] did you open?, 2734,at,99,commercial at sign, 2735,infinity,99,, # # 2736-2746 not used # # Spaces # Note: In WH 2797 is a zero-length space. # In PL it is not used # 2797,nospace,6,zero raster unit space, 2798,space,5,4 raster unit space, 2799,dblspace,5,8 raster unit space, # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Script - Digits # WH, HH via PL 2750,0,6,, 2751,1,6,, 2752,2,6,, 2753,3,6,, 2754,4,6,, 2755,5,6,, 2756,6,6,, 2757,7,6,, 2758,8,6,, 2759,9,6,, # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Script - Symbols # 2760-2779: WH, HH via PL # 2780-2785: not sure # Identifications mostly from WH 2760,period,6,, 2761,comma,6,, 2762,colon,6,, 2763,semicolon,6,, 2764,exclam,6,exclamation, 2765,question,6,interrogation, 2766,lquote,6,left single quote, 2767,rquote,6,right single quote, 2768,ampersand,6,, 2769,dollar,6,, 2770,solidus,6,, 2771,lparen,6,left parenthesis, 2772,rparen,6,right parenthesis, 2773,asterisk,6,, 2774,minus,6,subtraction, 2775,plus,6,addition, 2776,equality,6,, 2777,prime,6,, 2778,second,6,, 2779,degree,6,, 2780,lessthan,99,less than, 2781,grtrthan,99,greater than, 2782,number,99,aka hash mark or pound sign, 2783,percent,99,Well I can't figure out just two [percent], 2784,at,99,commercial at sign, 2785,infinity,99,, # # 2786-2800 not used # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Cyrillic Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL # The letter identification may be faulty, as I don't know the # cyrillic alphabet 2801,ah,5,, 2802,beh,5,, 2803,vey,5,, 2804,gey,5,, 2805,dey,5,, 2806,yey,5,, 2807,zheh,5,, 2808,zey,5,, 2809,ee,5,, 2810,ee kkoye,5,ee kratkoye, 2811,kah,5,, 2812,el,5,, 2813,em,5,, 2814,en,5,, 2815,aw,5,, 2816,pey,5,, 2817,ehr,5,, 2818,ess,5,, 2819,tey,5,, 2820,oo,5,, 2821,ef,5,, 2822,khah,5,, 2823,tseh,5,, 2824,cheh,5,, 2825,shah,5,, 2826,shchah,5,, 2827,t znak,5,tvyawrdy znak, 2828,yerih,5,, 2829,m znak,5,miakhky znak, 2830,e obor,5,eh oborawtnoye, 2831,yoo,5,, 2832,yah,5,, # # 2833-2900 not used # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Cyrillic Lowercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL # The letter identification may be faulty, as I don't know the # cyrillic alphabet 2901,ah,5,, 2902,beh,5,, 2903,vey,5,, 2904,gey,5,, 2905,dey,5,, 2906,yey,5,, 2907,zheh,5,, 2908,zey,5,, 2909,ee,5,, 2910,ee kkoye,5,ee kratkoye, 2911,kah,5,, 2912,el,5,, 2913,em,5,, 2914,en,5,, 2915,aw,5,, 2916,pey,5,, 2917,ehr,5,, 2918,ess,5,, 2919,tey,5,, 2920,oo,5,, 2921,ef,5,, 2922,khah,5,, 2923,tseh,5,, 2924,cheh,5,, 2925,shah,5,, 2926,shchah,5,, 2927,t znak,5,tvyawrdy znak, 2928,yerih,5,, 2929,m znak,5,miakhky znak, 2930,e obor,5,eh oborawtnoye, 2931,yoo,5,, 2932,yah,5,, # # 2933-3000 not used # # Triplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Latin Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL # Note: in CC this range was occupied by WH 3501-3526 ("Blackletter") 3001,A,5,, 3002,B,5,, 3003,C,5,, 3004,D,5,, 3005,E,5,, 3006,F,5,, 3007,G,5,, 3008,H,5,, 3009,I,5,, 3010,J,5,, 3011,K,5,, 3012,L,5,, 3013,M,5,, 3014,N,5,, 3015,O,5,, 3016,P,5,, 3017,Q,5,, 3018,R,5,, 3019,S,5,, 3020,T,5,, 3021,U,5,, 3022,V,5,, 3023,W,5,, 3024,X,5,, 3025,Y,5,, 3026,Z,5,, # # Triplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Greek Uppercase Letters # TB via PL 3027,ALPHA,14,, 3028,BETA,14,, 3029,GAMMA,14,, 3030,DELTA,14,, 3031,EPSILON,14,, 3032,ZETA,14,, 3033,ETA,14,, 3034,THETA,14,, 3035,IOTA,14,, 3036,KAPPA,14,, 3037,LAMBDA,14,, 3038,MU,14,, 3039,NU,14,, 3040,XI,14,, 3041,OMIKRON,14,, 3042,PI,14,, 3043,RHO,14,, 3044,SIGMA,14,, 3045,TAU,14,, 3046,UPSILON,14,, 3047,PHI,14,, 3048,CHI,14,, 3049,PSI,14,, 3050,OMEGA,14,, # # Triplex Normal Taper1 Italic - Latin Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, & HH via PL 3051,A,5,, 3052,B,5,, 3053,C,5,, 3054,D,5,, 3055,E,5,, 3056,F,5,, 3057,G,5,, 3058,H,5,, 3059,I,5,, 3060,J,5,, 3061,K,5,, 3062,L,5,, 3063,M,5,, 3064,N,5,, 3065,O,5,, 3066,P,5,, 3067,Q,5,, 3068,R,5,, 3069,S,5,, 3070,T,5,, 3071,U,5,, 3072,V,5,, 3073,W,5,, 3074,X,5,, 3075,Y,5,, 3076,Z,5,, # # 3077-3082 not used # # Triplex Normal Taper1 Roman - nabla # Not sure of origin 3083,nabla,99,, # # 3084-3100 not used # # Triplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Latin Lowercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL # Note: in CC this range was occupied by WH 3601-3626 ("Blackletter") 3101,a,5,, 3102,b,5,, 3103,c,5,, 3104,d,5,, 3105,e,5,, 3106,f,5,, 3107,g,5,, 3108,h,5,, 3109,i,5,, 3110,j,5,, 3111,k,5,, 3112,l,5,, 3113,m,5,, 3114,n,5,, 3115,o,5,, 3116,p,5,, 3117,q,5,, 3118,r,5,, 3119,s,5,, 3120,t,5,, 3121,u,5,, 3122,v,5,, 3123,w,5,, 3124,x,5,, 3125,y,5,, 3126,z,5,, # # Triplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Greek Lowercase Letters # TB via PL 3127,alpha,5,, 3128,beta,5,, 3129,gamma,5,, 3130,delta,5,, 3131,epsilon,5,, 3132,zeta,5,, 3133,eta,5,, 3134,theta,5,, 3135,iota,5,, 3136,kappa,5,, 3137,lambdaA,5,, 3138,mu,5,, 3139,nu,5,, 3140,xi,5,, 3141,omikron,5,, 3142,pi,5,, 3143,rho,5,, 3144,sigma,5,, 3145,tau,5,, 3146,upsilon,5,, 3147,phi,5,, 3148,chi,5,, 3149,psi,5,, 3150,omega,5,, # # Triplex Normal Taper1 Italic - Latin Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, & HH via PL 3151,A,5,, 3152,B,5,, 3153,C,5,, 3154,D,5,, 3155,E,5,, 3156,F,5,, 3157,G,5,, 3158,H,5,, 3159,I,5,, 3160,J,5,, 3161,K,5,, 3162,L,5,, 3163,M,5,, 3164,N,5,, 3165,O,5,, 3166,P,5,, 3167,Q,5,, 3168,R,5,, 3169,S,5,, 3170,T,5,, 3171,U,5,, 3172,V,5,, 3173,W,5,, 3174,X,5,, 3175,Y,5,, 3176,Z,5,, # # 3177-3182 not used # # Triplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Additional Greek Letters # Not sure of origin 3183,delta,99,, 3184,epsilon,99,, 3185,theta,99,, 3186,phi,99,, 3187,f sigma,99,final sigma, # # 3188-3196 not used # # Spaces # Note: In WH 3197 is a zero-length space. # In PL it is not used # 3197,nospace,6,zero raster unit space, 3198,space,5,4 raster unit space, 3199,dblspace,5,8 raster unit space, # # Triplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Digits # CC, WH, HH via PL 3200,0,5,, # Note: in CC this range was occupied by WH 3801-3826 ("Lombardic") 3201,1,5,, 3202,2,5,, 3203,3,5,, 3204,4,5,, 3205,5,5,, 3206,6,5,, 3207,7,5,, 3208,8,5,, 3209,9,5,, # # Triplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Symbols # 3210-3229: WH, HH via PL # 3230-3234: not sure # Identifications mostly from WH 3210,period,6,, 3211,comma,6,, 3212,colon,6,, 3213,semicolon,6,, 3214,exclam,6,exclamation, 3215,question,6,interrogation, 3216,lquote,6,left single quote, 3217,rquote,6,right single quote, 3218,ampersand,6,, 3219,dollar,6,, 3220,solidus,6,, 3221,lparen,6,left parenthesis, 3222,rparen,6,right parenthesis, 3223,asterisk,6,, 3224,minus,6,subtraction, 3225,plus,6,addition, 3226,equality,6,, 3227,prime,6,, 3228,second,6,, 3229,degree,6,, 3230,lessthan,99,less than, 3231,grtrthan,99,greater than, 3232,number,99,aka hash mark or pound sign, 3233,percent,99,how many [Wonka bars] did you open?, 3234,at,99,commercial at sign, # # 3235-3246 not used # # Spaces # Note: In WH 3247 is a zero-length space. # In PL it is not used # 3247,nospace,6,zero raster unit space, 3248,space,5,4 raster unit space, 3249,dblspace,5,8 raster unit space, # # Triplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Digits # CC, WH, HH via PL 3250,0,5,, 3251,1,5,, 3252,2,5,, 3253,3,5,, 3254,4,5,, 3255,5,5,, 3256,6,5,, 3257,7,5,, 3258,8,5,, 3259,9,5,, # # Triplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Symbols # 3250-3269: WH, HH via PL # 3270-3274: not sure # Identifications mostly from WH 3260,period,6,, 3261,comma,6,, 3262,colon,6,, 3263,semicolon,6,, 3264,exclam,6,exclamation, 3265,question,6,interrogation, 3266,lquote,6,left single quote, 3267,rquote,6,right single quote, 3268,ampersand,6,, 3269,dollar,6,, 3270,solidus,6,, 3271,lparen,6,left parenthesis, 3272,rparen,6,right parenthesis, 3273,asterisk,6,, 3274,minus,6,subtraction, 3275,plus,6,addition, 3276,equality,6,, 3277,prime,6,, 3278,second,6,, 3279,degree,6,, 3280,lessthan,99,less than, 3281,grtrthan,99,greater than, 3282,number,99,aka hash mark or pound sign, 3283,percent,99,how many [Wonka bars] did you open?, 3284,at,99,commercial at sign, # # 3285-3300 not used # # Triplex Normal Taper2 Fraktur - Latin Uppercase Letters # CC (except 3330-3332), WH, HH via PL # Note: 3323 ("W") is glyph with the most data pairs (143 pairs) # Note: In CC Fraktur uppercase was at 3401-3426 # Note: in CC this range was occupied by WH 3901-3926 ("Lombardic") 3301,A,5,, 3302,B,5,, 3303,C,5,, 3304,D,5,, 3305,E,5,, 3306,F,5,, 3307,G,5,, 3308,H,5,, 3309,I,5,, 3310,J,5,, 3311,K,5,, 3312,L,5,, 3313,M,5,, 3314,N,5,, 3315,O,5,, 3316,P,5,, 3317,Q,5,, 3318,R,5,, 3319,S,5,, 3320,T,5,, 3321,U,5,, 3322,V,5,, 3323,W,5,, 3324,X,5,, 3325,Y,5,, 3326,Z,5,, # 3327-3329 not used 3330,A uml,99,A with an umlaut, 3331,O uml,99,O with an umlaut, 3332,U uml,99,U with an umlaut, # # 3333-3400 not used # # Triplex Normal Taper2 Fraktur - Latin Lowercase Letters # CC (except 3430-3432), WH, HH via PL # Note: In CC Fraktur lowercase was at 3501-3526 # Note: in CC this range was occupied by WH 3301-3326 ("Fraktur," uppercase) 3401,a,5,, 3402,b,5,, 3403,c,5,, 3404,d,5,, 3405,e,5,, 3406,f,5,, 3407,g,5,, 3408,h,5,, 3409,i,5,, 3410,j,5,, 3411,k,5,, 3412,l,5,, 3413,m,5,, 3414,n,5,, 3415,o,5,, 3416,p,5,, 3417,q,5,, 3418,r,5,, 3419,s,5,, 3420,t,5,, 3421,u,5,, 3422,v,5,, 3423,w,5,, 3424,x,5,, 3425,y,5,, 3426,z,5,, 3427,?,5,, 3428,?,5,, 3429,?,5,, 3430,a uml,99,a with an umlaut, 3431,o uml,99,o with an umlaut, 3432,u uml,99,u with an umlaut, # # 3433-3500 not used # # Triplex Normal Taper2 Blackletter - Latin Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL # Note: In CC Blackletter uppercase was at 3001-3026 # Note: in CC this range was occupied by WH 3401-3426 ("Fraktur," lowercase) 3501,A,5,, 3502,B,5,, 3503,C,5,, 3504,D,5,, 3505,E,5,, 3506,F,5,, 3507,G,5,, 3508,H,5,, 3509,I,5,, 3510,J,5,, 3511,K,5,, 3512,L,5,, 3513,M,5,, 3514,N,5,, 3515,O,5,, 3516,P,5,, 3517,Q,5,, 3518,R,5,, 3519,S,5,, 3520,T,5,, 3521,U,5,, 3522,V,5,, 3523,W,5,, 3524,X,5,, 3525,Y,5,, 3526,Z,5,, # # 3527-3600 not used # # Triplex Normal Taper2 Blackletter - Latin Lowercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL # Note: In CC Blackletter lowercase was at 3101-3126 3601,a,5,, 3602,b,5,, 3603,c,5,, 3604,d,5,, 3605,e,5,, 3606,f,5,, 3607,g,5,, 3608,h,5,, 3609,i,5,, 3610,j,5,, 3611,k,5,, 3612,l,5,, 3613,m,5,, 3614,n,5,, 3615,o,5,, 3616,p,5,, 3617,q,5,, 3618,r,5,, 3619,s,5,, 3620,t,5,, 3621,u,5,, 3622,v,5,, 3623,w,5,, 3624,x,5,, 3625,y,5,, 3626,z,5,, # # 3627-3696 not used # # Spaces # Note: In WH 36977 is a zero-length space. # In PL it is not used # 3697,nospace,6,zero raster unit space, 3698,space,5,4 raster unit space, 3699,dblspace,5,8 raster unit space, # # Triplex Normal Taper2 Roman - Digits # CC, WH, HH via PL 3700,0,5,, 3701,1,5,, 3702,2,5,, 3703,3,5,, 3704,4,5,, 3705,5,5,, 3706,6,5,, 3707,7,5,, 3708,8,5,, 3709,9,5,, # # Triplex Normal Taper1 Roman - Symbols # 3710-3729: WH, HH via PL # 3730-3734: not sure # Identifications mostly from WH 3710,period,6,, 3711,comma,6,, 3712,colon,6,, 3713,semicolon,6,, 3714,exclam,6,exclamation, 3715,question,6,interrogation, 3716,lquote,6,left single quote, 3717,rquote,6,right single quote, 3718,ampersand,6,, 3719,dollar,6,, 3720,solidus,6,, 3721,lparen,6,left parenthesis, 3722,rparen,6,right parenthesis, 3723,asterisk,6,, 3724,minus,6,subtraction, 3725,plus,6,addition, 3726,equality,6,, 3727,prime,6,, 3728,second,6,, 3729,degree,6,, 3730,lessthan,99,less than, 3731,grtrthan,99,greater than, 3732,number,99,aka hash mark or pound sign, 3733,percent,99,how many [Wonka bars] did you open?, 3734,at,99,commercial at sign, # # 3735-3800 not used # # Triplex Normal Taper2 Lombardic - Latin Uppercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL # Note: In CC Lombardic uppercase was at 3201-3226 3801,A,5,, 3802,B,5,, 3803,C,5,, 3804,D,5,, 3805,E,5,, 3806,F,5,, 3807,G,5,, 3808,H,5,, 3809,I,5,, 3810,J,5,, 3811,K,5,, 3812,L,5,, 3813,M,5,, 3814,N,5,, 3815,O,5,, 3816,P,5,, 3817,Q,5,, 3818,R,5,, 3819,S,5,, 3820,T,5,, 3821,U,5,, 3822,V,5,, 3823,W,5,, 3824,X,5,, 3825,Y,5,, 3826,Z,5,, # # 3927-3900 not used # # Triplex Normal Taper2 Lombardic - Latin Lowercase Letters # CC, WH, HH via PL # Note: In CC Lombardic lowercase was at 3301-3326 3901,a,5,, 3902,b,5,, 3903,c,5,, 3904,d,5,, 3905,e,5,, 3906,f,5,, 3907,g,5,, 3908,h,5,, 3909,i,5,, 3910,j,5,, 3911,k,5,, 3912,l,5,, 3913,m,5,, 3914,n,5,, 3915,o,5,, 3916,p,5,, 3917,q,5,, 3918,r,5,, 3919,s,5,, 3920,t,5,, 3921,u,5,, 3922,v,5,, 3923,w,5,, 3924,x,5,, 3925,y,5,, 3926,z,5,, # # 3927-4000 not used # # The following are all beyond the range of CC # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Mathematical Symbols 4001,?,99,, 4002,?,99,, 4003,?,99,, 4004,?,99,, 4005,?,99,, # 4006 not used 4007,?,99,, 4008,?,99,, 4009,?,99,, 4010,?,99,, 4011,?,99,, 4012,?,99,, 4013,?,99,, 4014,?,99,, # # 4015-4018 not used # # Duplex Normal Taper1 Lineface - Mathematical Symbols 4019,?,99,, 4020,?,99,, 4021,?,99,, 4022,?,99,, 4023,?,99,, # # 4024-4039 not used # # pointing hands # NB (PLOT79) via PL # Note: These four glyphs are the largest in terms of coordinate size. # They span the range (-50,50), but fortunately do not include # the special pair (-50,0). See the Plotutils file g_her_glyph.c 4040,right,9,hand pointing right, 4041,up,9,hand pointint up, 4042,left,9,hand pointing left, 4043,down,9,hand pointing down, # # 4044,?,99,, 4045,?,99,, 4046,?,99,, 4047,?,99,, 4048,?,99,, 4049,?,99,, 4050,?,99,, # # 4051-4064 not used 4065,Z,99,, # 4066-4069 not used 4070,?,99,sometimes used for "press enter", 4071,slshzero,99,slashed zero, # 4072-4077 not used 4078,?,99,, # 4079 not used 4080,?,99,, 4081,?,99,, 4082,?,99,, 4083,?,99,, # 4084-4096 not used # # Uniplex Normal Taper0 Lineface - Trademark Symbols # 4097,tmsans,99,non-registered trademark sans serif, 4098,tmserif,99,non-registered trademark seriffed, # # 4099-4103 not used # 4104,?,99,, 4105,?,99,, 4106,?,99,, 4107,?,99,, 4108,?,99,, 4109,?,99,, 4110,?,99,, 4111,?,99,, 4112,?,99,, 4113,?,99,, 4114,?,99,, 4115,?,99,, 4116,?,99,, 4117,?,99,, 4118,?,99,, 4119,?,99,, 4120,?,99,, 4121,?,99,, 4122,?,99,, 4123,?,99,, 4124,?,99,, 4125,?,99,, 4126,?,99,, 4127,?,99,, 4128,?,99,, 4129,?,99,, 4130,?,99,, 4131,?,99,, 4132,?,99,, 4133,?,99,, # # 4134-4159 not used # 4160,?,99,, 4161,?,99,, 4162,?,99,, 4163,?,99,, 4164,?,99,, 4165,?,99,, 4166,?,99,, # # 4167-4169 not used # 4170,?,99,, 4171,?,99,, 4172,?,99,, 4173,?,99,, 4174,?,99,, 4175,?,99,, 4176,?,99,, 4177,?,99,, 4178,?,99,, 4179,?,99,, 4180,?,99,, 4181,?,99,, 4182,?,99,, 4183,?,99,, 4184,?,99,, 4185,?,99,, 4186,?,99,, 4187,?,99,, 4188,?,99,, 4189,?,99,, 4190,?,99,, 4191,?,99,, # # 4192-4194 not used # # Plotutils data end at 4194 # # # Placed in the public domain by its author, David M. MacMillan, # subject to the following disclaimers: # # This work is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # In no event will the author(s), editor(s), or publisher(s) of this work # be liable to you or to any other party for damages, including but not # limited to any general, special, incidental or consequential damages # arising out of your use of or inability to use this work or the # information contained in it, even if you have been advised of the # possibility of such damages. # # In no event will the author(s), editor(s), or publisher(s) of this work # be liable to you or to any other party for any injury, death, # disfigurement, or other personal damage arising out of your use of or # inability to use this work or the information contained in it, # even if you have been advised of the possibility of such injury, death, # disfigurement, or other personal damage.