The following works are in the public domain. Their reprints here are also in the public domain, but have not been so dedicated using the Creative Commons process.
Heyl, Paul R. and Guy S. Cook. "The Value of Gravity at Washington." Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards. Vol. 17 (December 1936): 805-839. Research Paper RP946. This paper was an official US Government publication and as such is in the public domain. Its PDF encoding here by Gordon Uber is also in the public domain. Thanks are due to him for its availability.
Stokes, Sir George Gabriel. "On the Effect of the Internal Friction of Fluids on the Motion of Pendulums." Read December 9, 1850. From the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Vol. IX. The PDF encoding of this paper by Gordon Uber, presented here, is also in the public domain. Thanks are due to him for its availability.
The following work is in the public domain.
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Photograph of Paul R. Heyl from Cochrane, Rexmond D. Measures for Progress: A History of the National Bureau of Standards. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce - National Bureau of Standards, 1966: p. 244.
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