Reed (Brand) Lathes - A 19th Century Catalog

This is an online reprint of a catalog of lathes made by F. E. Reed & Company of Worcester, MA, USA. This catalog bears no date, but is clearly 19th century.

This catalog is in the form of a booklet, without covers, about 164 mm wide and 111 mm tall (6 1/2 inches x 4 5/16 inches). It is in poor condition. In the images it is evident where the original staples rusted away and destroyed the paper around them.

The presentation here is very simple. This page itself contains, sequentially, JPEG encoded images of all 24 pages of this catalog. These images are uniformly 500 pixels wide and are generally under 20 kilobytes in size. Each image contains a link (click on the image) to a larger JPEG encoded version, 2000 pixels wide, of the same image. These larger images tend to be between 160 and 260 kilobytes in size.

The original scans were done at 600 pixels per inch in 16 bit greyscale. This resulted in images approximately 4000 pixels wide. These images, as (lossless) PNG encoded images, are each about 6 megabytes in size. Even converted to lossy JPEG images, they're still often over 600 kilobytes in size. As such, they are too large for presentation over the web. They have been saved offline.

Reed Lathes, page 1

Reed Lathes, page 2

Reed Lathes, page 3

Reed Lathes, page 4

Reed Lathes, page 5

Reed Lathes, page 6

Reed Lathes, page 7

Reed Lathes, page 8

Reed Lathes, page 9

Reed Lathes, page 10

Reed Lathes, page 11

Reed Lathes, page 12

Reed Lathes, page 13

Reed Lathes, page 14

Reed Lathes, page 15

Reed Lathes, page 16

Reed Lathes, page 17

Reed Lathes, page 18

Reed Lathes, page 19

Reed Lathes, page 20

Reed Lathes, page 21

Reed Lathes, page 22

Reed Lathes, page 23

Reed Lathes, page 24

A Library of Antiquarian Technology