FEATHERING PADDLE-WHEELS. 209 in propelling the vessel; in all other positions, it is only the horizontal component of the pressure which exercises any pro- pelling effect, and the greater the obliquity of action, the less is this horizontal component. A large proportion of the power spent in driving paddle-wheels of this form, is wasted in beating and churning the water with the floats, when these are in positions on either side of the vertical line through the centre. The deeper the immersion of the radial paddle-wheel, and the smaller its diameter for agiven depth of immersion, the greater is the obliquity of action, and therefore the greater is the loss of efficiency. Radial wheels are sometimes made in such a way that the floats can be quickly detached and fixed in positions nearer the centre of the wheel. This is advantageous, when froni an increased load, the draught of the vessel becomes greater, thus causing greater immersion of the paddle-wheels, since then the diameter of the wheel is reduced, and thus by reducing the immersion of the floats, diminishes the loss from oblique action. This operation m known as reefing the paddle-wheels. On account of their small efficiency, radial paddle-wheels are now rarely used, having given place to the more efficient feather- ing wheels. Feathering Paddle-Wheels. - This form of paddle-wheel, as illustrated, is designed with the object of getting rid of the dis- advantages which arise from the obliquity of action of the radial wheel. The floats are not fixed rigidly to the radial arms, but are hinged to them, and are provided with levers, G L, so that they may be turned into any position. These levers are connected by rods to a boss or eccentric strap, E, which rotates on a central fixed pin on the sponson beam. This central pin is so placed in relation to the centre of the wheel, that the floats enter the water edgewise, and when in the water, are kept by the levers in a position nearly perpendicular to its surface. The radial arms of the paddle-wheel, F, are forged with small brackets on them at right angles to their lengths, so as to receive the round pins about which the floats hinge. To find the position of the eccentric pin in order that the floats may enter the water edgewise, and pass through it nearly perpendicular to its surface, the following simple construction is necessary: - Suppose the lower edge, P, of a float to be just entering the water, then, in order that the float may enter edge- wise, the resultant of its own velocity of rotation and the horizontal velocity of the vessel, must lie in the plane of the float. Let, P A, represent the velocity of the vessel, and, P B, that of 14