FEATHERING PADDLE WHEELS. 211 is the resultant, and the plane of the float must contain P R. Produce, R P, to cut the vertical through the centre, C, in, A, and at right angles to the line, R A1 (which is the line of the float); layoff, H G, equal to the distance from the face of the float to the centre of the hinge, and, G L, equal to the length of the lever. Now set off in outline another float immediately under the centre of the wheel, with its face perpendicular to the surface of the water, and having the end of its lever at M. With, M, and, L, as centres, and radius equal to, G C, describe arcs intersecting at, E, then, E, is the centre of the eccentric pin. Having thus determined the position of, E, the complete wheel may be drawn down and the proper pitch given to the floats. In practice, it is usual, instead of compounding the velocities in the manner described, to place the eccentric pin in such a position that the directions of the faces of the floats (while they are passing through the water), if produced, shall meet in the point, A1, which is the intersection of a vertical line through the centre, C, with the circle, which passes through the pivots or hinges of the floats. The feathering paddle-wheel, although much more efficient than the radial wheel, is more liable to derangement, since any accident to the feathering apparatus would paralyse the action or the entire wheel. For this reason it did not find general favour when first introduced, but now it is almost universally adopted. It requires to be made specially strong, and all the pins and wearing parts should be cased with brass to prevent corrosion. The boss or eccentric, E, which carries all the rods for feathering the floats, runs loose on the fixed eccentric pin, and is turned round by one specially strong rod, known as the driving or king rod, shown at L E. The floats for large paddle-wheels are now frequently made of steel and curved slightly concave, ) -> [two em right arrow] towards the direction of meeting the water when steaming ahead.