212 LECTURE XX. LECTURE XX. - QUESTIONS. 1. Sketch and describe by an index of parts a side and an end view of the general arrangement of diagonal direct-acting engines, as fitted into a river passenger steamer, including the boiler. 2. Why are compound-diagonal direct-acting engines preferred to oscillating or other kinds of engines for shallow river paddle-wheel steamers? 3. Sketch and describe by an index of parts, side views and a plan of a compound direct-acting diagonal engine. 4. Sketch and describe by an index of parts, Joy's valve gear, pointing out its advantages and disadvantages as compared with eccentrics and link-motion. 5. Steamer main shafts often break, or their bearings give trouble by heating, account for this, and describe a plan or plans for alleviating this evil. 6. Sketch and describe a simple radial paddle-wheel. For what reasons has this form of wheel been abandoned? 7. Sketch and describe, by an index of parts, a modern feathering float paddle-wheel. What advantages has it over the older form of paddle- wheel? 8. Describe how you would design and construct the arms, floats, and feathering arrangements for a paddle-wheel.