MIL-STD-1950A Military Standard Photographic Lenses



This is a reprint, in the form of scanned images, of US Military Standard 150A ("MIL-STD-150A"), Military Standard Photographic Lenses, of 12 May 1959.

This document has been available online from the United States Department of Defense's online services. However, the version so available is a low-resolution scan in which critical figures in the paragraph defining the six-bar core of the "resolving power target" are not legible. Here is an enlarged image of this section from that version:

MIL-STD-150A p. 21 enlarged section

If you're just interested in the resolving power test target definition, go directly to page 20 and page 21 of the present reprint.

Note that this definition only specifies the six-bar "Standard Resolving Power Test Target Element." The full test target, commonly known as the "US Air Force 1951 resolving power test target," consists of a set of these arranged in a generally spiral pattern.

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