Needham. Complete Instructions in Photography.


1 - About the Text

This is a reprint in the form of scanned images of

Needham, F. M. Complete Instructions in Photography. Chicago, IL: Sears, Roebuck & Co., circa 1910.

It was published without date (or copyright notice) but clearly dates from the period before World War I. An online search of other copies available (in 2004) indicates that used booksellers estimate its date as somewhere between 1909 and 1913. As it was published in the US at this date without a copyright notice, under the US copyright laws then current it passed into the public domain upon publication (and in any case would have passed into the public domain by now even if copyright had been filed and renewed).

Please note that I have no connection with Sears, Roebuck & Co., its publishers. Their name is no doubt their registered trademark; it is used here only to identify them as the publishers and in literal reprints of their out-of-copyright advertising.

IMPORTANT WARNING: Because of the historical interest of this book, I have reprinted it here in its entirety. It includes material on photographic chemistry which can be extremely dangerous and which it presents without benefit of modern safety knowledge, attitudes, and procedures. I do not endorse the methods described here (I do not even do chemical photography), and do not suggest that you undertake them. This is material reprinted for its historical interest only. Please read the important disclaimers of warranty and liability in the presentation of public domain material.

A Library of Antiquarian Technology