The Rolling Ball Web
An Online Compendium of Rolling Ball Sculptures, Clocks, Etc.
By David M. MacMillan et. al.

Shab Levy's Gravitram at the Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel

After Gravitram 5 for the Questacon in Canberra, Levy stopped numbering his Gravitrams

This Gravitram is located in the Weizmann Institute of Science in the city of Rehovot, Israel. It was built in 1992, measures 108" x 108" x 160", and uses 4" plastic balls.

Levy describes the Weizmann Institute: "The Weizmann Institute, named after the first president of Israel, is the largest and most prestigious research complex in Israel, in the city of Rehovot. It employs over 2000 researchers in many fields of the physical and biological sciences. It has its own science center called the Garden of Science, which is where the Gravitram is located."

The Weizmann Institute is online at:

The following images of the Rehovot Gravitram appear through the courtesy of the sculptor, Shab Levy.

The first two images have a special significance. They show the Rehovot Gravitram during a visit by the late Prime Minister Itzhak Rabin. In the first photo, Mr. Rabin is on the left with glasses and white hair. Professor Harari, the director of the Weizmann Institute, stands next to him, wearing glasses. These photographs were taken on August 29, 1994. This was a year before Rabin was assasinated by an extremist, and the same year in which both he and Mr. Yasser Arafat received the Nobel Prize for Peace. These two photos were supplied by Shab Levy through the courtesy of the Weizmann Institute.

Gravitram, Rehovot, Israel
Copyright © Shab Levy

Gravitram, Rehovot, Israel
Copyright © Shab Levy

The next two photos show the Gravitram along with some of the people who constructed it.

Gravitram, Rehovot, Israel
Copyright © Shab Levy
Gravitram, Rehovot, Israel
Copyright © Shab Levy

Gravitram, Rehovot, Israel
Copyright © Shab Levy
Gravitram, Rehovot, Israel
Copyright © Shab Levy

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The images on this page and the quotation by Shab Levy are copyright © 1994 and 1999 by Shab Levy. With the exception of any material noted as being in the public domain, the text and encoding of this document are copyright © 1999 by David M. MacMillan.

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Version 1.2, 1999/11/30. Feedback to

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