DMM Varkon® Tutorial
A Beginner's Guide to the Varkon Parametric Modeling and CAD Application Development System
By David M. MacMillan

B.1. An Apparent Inconsistency in the BASIC Coordinate System

If the first local coordinate system established within the BASIC coordinate system has its origin at a constant offset from the BASIC coordinate system's origin in all three axes, then the BASIC coordinate system "follows" this local coordinate system's origin, making the local coordinate system's origin its own origin.

To illustrate this, lets first define an MBS module that draws three axes in the BASIC coordinate system. This module, defined below, is has the BASIC coordinate system attribute. Just to be on the safe side, it also invokes the mode_basic() MBS procedure to ensure that it draws within the BASIC coordinate system.

! vclb.mbs Visible Coordinate Lines in the BASIC coordinate system
! Draw 3 axes to illustrate a coordinate system
! X = red, Y = green, Z = blue
! (because I'm used to "RGB" in that order and "XYZ" in that order)

basic geometry module vclb(
float delta; ! half-width of the axis line
float axisthickness; ! thickness of the axis lines
int linetype ! LFONT

vector xstart, xstop;
vector ystart, ystop;
vector zstart, zstop;


mode_basic (); ! probably redundant; force to BASIC coordinate system

! draw a visible X axis from negative to positive
xstart := vec (-delta, 0, 0);
xstop := vec ( delta, 0, 0);
lin_free(#1, xstart, xstop: PEN=2, WIDTH=axisthickness, LFONT=linetype);

! draw a visible Y axis from negative to positive
ystart := vec (0, -delta, 0);
ystop := vec (0, delta, 0);
lin_free(#2, ystart, ystop: PEN=3, WIDTH=axisthickness, LFONT=linetype);

! draw a visible Z axis from negative to positive
zstart := vec (0, 0, -delta);
zstop := vec (0, 0, delta);
lin_free(#3, zstart, zstop:PEN=4, WIDTH=axisthickness, LFONT=linetype);


Now consider the following active module, as typed into the MBS edit window of a running Varkon project.


VECTOR neworigin1;
VECTOR neworigin2;


part(#1,vclb(15, 0, 1));
neworigin1:=vec(10, 10, 10);
neworigin2:=vec(10, 0, 0);
csys_1p(#2,"cs1", neworigin1, 0, 0, 30);
csys_1p(#3,"cs2", neworigin2, 0, 0, 45);


One would expect this active module first to draw, via vclb(), a visible set of axes centered at the origin of the BASIC coordinate system. It then should establish a new coordinate system, cs1, at an offset within the BASIC coordinate system of (10, 10, 10), rotated 30 degrees around the Z axis. Finally, it should establish another coordinate system, cs2, at an offset of within the BASIC coordinate system of (10, 0, 0), rotated 45 degrees around the Z axis.

Instead, this happens:

BASIC coordinate system inconsistency

Rather than establishing cs1 at an offset within the BASIC coordinate system, the origin of the BASIC coordinate system is now identical to that of cs1.

However, if we make one change to this active module, setting up cs1 so that one of it's offsets differs from the other two, as follows:

neworigin1:=vec(10, 10, 5);

then this happens:

BASIC coordinate system inconsistency

The BASIC origin has followed two of the offsets (the two equal to each other and to 10), but the third offset, being different, has forced an actual offset for cs1.

Only when we set all three offsets to different values does the origin of cs1 emerge as fully distinct from that of the BASIC coordinate system. For instance, if we change the active module to specify:

neworigin1:=vec(10, 7, 5);

Then this occurs:

BASIC coordinate system inconsistency

Viewed in 115 degree perspective rather than isometric (ISO) perspective, it is clear that the cs1 origin is different in all three planes from the BASIC coordinate system's origin.

BASIC coordinate system inconsistency

I don't know whether this behavior is a bug, a feature, or a misunderstanding on my part.

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With the exception of any material noted as being in the public domain, the text, images, and encoding of this document are copyright © 1998 by David M. MacMillan.

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Version 1.3, 1998/06/17. Feedback to

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