About the Images

All of the images here are in the public domain in the USA, with sources as indicated.

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The images which serve as links to other documents on this site are described on the "About the Images" pages for those linked documents.

image link-topic-sf0.jpg

From: Intertype Corporation. Intertype Parts and Accessories. Brooklyn, NY: Intertype Corporation, 1949, p. 114. This book was published in the United States, without a copyright notice, before 1978 and therefore passed into the public domain upon publication.

Prefaces are beginnings (even though in reality they're often written last). To a writer the symbol of beginning is a blank sheet of paper. To the linecaster, the equivalent would have to be a pot of linotype alloy. Clean molten linotype metal should look like a mirror - that's hard to show in a line drawing. A keyboard is perhaps relatively close, and makes a more interesting picture.

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