[DE] Bauer

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1. Overview

1837-1972. 1837-1972. Bauersche Schriftgiesserei. Free city of Frankfort am Main in the German Confederation; thence to West Germany [via Kingdom of Prussia, then German Empire, then Wiemar Republic, Third Reich, then Occupied Germany, then Federal Republic of Germany.] In 1972 absorbed by "former subsidiary" Neufville.

Paul Duensing notes (a) "The famous Bauer foundry moved from Frankfurt to its former subsidiary, Neufville, in Barcelona" and "then absorbed several smaller foundries and finally, in 1984, the matrices and materials of Typefoundry Amsterdam." { Duensing, Paul Hayden. "Metal Type: Whither Ten Years Hence?" Fine Print. Vol. 11, No. 1 (January, 1985): 20 }

Type design (mid 20th century) by Roger Excoffon.

2. Literature

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Bauer Types in Use

Bauer Types in Use. (NY: Bauer Alphabets, Inc., n.d. [before 1963]) This is not a specimen book, but rather a book of showings demonstrating the capabilities of Bauer types.

The Silver Buckle Press at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, has digitized this from their collection: http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/SilverBuckle.Bauer

Bauer also produced, in the US and in Germany, two interesting books pertinant to the technical side of matrix making:

Human Touch. (NY: The Spiral Press, 1937)

Bauer, Konrad F. Wie eine Buchdruckschrift entsteht. (Frankfurt am Main: Bauersche Giesserei, n.d. [1933?] and [1953?])

3. Typefaces

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By Heinrich Jost.

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