My thanks to Rich Hopkins for his assistance with information on this foundry.
Cherokee Syllabary Type.
Cut in 1962 by
W. Malowski
to a design by
Torvald Faegre
under the direction of
John K. White.
At some point (I'm not sure when - certainly after the mid 1960s) Triangle made or had made a set of "Antique" revival matrices. These were electroformed matrices. Some of them were made from type cast by Charles Broad Typefounders, Inc. (of Phoenix) (which was in turn cast from matrices made from older types). Triangle did not, however, copy all of the Broad "antique" types.
These "antique" matrices went to Les Fuller of Twin Quills. Most of them were later acquired by Rich Hopkins.
According to Hopkins, these matrices are not heavily worn, and indeed some look not to have been cast from at all.
At some point, Castcraft / [Neon Type Division of] Typefounders of Chicago began offering a series of "Antique and Ornate Faces." While it is clear to several persons familiar with Castcraft that they did not cast this type, it is not yet clear who did. One possibility is that Triangle Type Foundry cast it. The fact that the Triangle matrices display few signs of use does not help to resolve this question one way or the other; apparently it was the case for LATF, and probably it was also the case for Castcraft, that these faces generated great interest but few sales.
The "Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System" November 19, 1976 (which are online) list on p. 1, in "Gifts, Grants and Contracts" the gift of "Typefounding equipment to the Art Department" by the Triangle Type Foundry, Chicago, IL.
Rich Hopkins. "Studying the Bulmer Design," American Typecasting Fellowship Newsletter, No. 34 (May, 2010): 17 notes that he has some (unspecified) Triangle Type Foundry mats.
Cherokee Syllabary Type.
Cut in 1962 by
W. Malowski
to a design by
Torvald Faegre
under the direction of
John K. White.
Medium Condensed Gothic Outline / Outline Gothic Medium Condensed. See McGrew p. 219. [Clair Dunn once had a proof of this face online at; that page is no longer online, but may be seen via The Wayback Machine at ]
All portions of this document not noted otherwise are Copyright © 2011 by David M. MacMillan and Rollande Krandall.
Circuitous Root is a Registered Trademark of David M. MacMillan and Rollande Krandall.
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