DMM Varkon® Tutorial
A Beginner's Guide to the Varkon Parametric Modeling and CAD Application Development System
By David M. MacMillan

9. Using 3D Geometric Models in 2D Drawings

One of my goals in using Varkon is to create three dimensional models framed in two-dimensional drawings - both engineering drawings and illustrative drawings. My first attempts to do this followed the path outlined in the second major section of this chapter, Section 9.2. "Method 2: By Using Projected Views." However, in using this method I encountered difficulties with different projections interfering with each other. This method also relies on the persistence of views in the viewing window (if the rep_view() procedure is used to repaint any one view, all other views disappear).

To avoid these difficulties, I then experimented with the method described in the first section of this chapter, Section 9.1. "Method 1: By Positioning the Model". This method involves the use of only one projection, a "straight on" XY plane projection. In this projection, the model is instantiated multiple times in different orientations. This method requires more elaborate preparation of the model (more parameters to the model). In this method, the model is created in a local coordinate system. This coordinate system is positioned relative to the XY grid of the drawing; the model rotates itself in 3D to achieve the desired orientation. The model also does its own hidden line removal, as this must be done in 3D.

Although this method is more complex, I have found it to be a very robust method for creating multi-view drawings of 3D models.

It is of course quite likely that neither of these methods is the "right" way to do this; these are just the methods I discovered through experiment.

  1. Method 1: By Positioning the Model
  2. Method 2: By Using Projected Views
    1. Projecting a 3D Geometry Model into a 2D Drawing
    2. Drawing on the 2D Drawing once the 3D Model is Projected
    3. Projecting more than One Model
    4. A Third-Angle Projection

9.1. Method 1: By Positioning the Model

Because a Varkon active module does not preserve comments, and because comments are important to understanding the operation of this demo, the active module used is just a tiny one which calls the main driver for the demo:





The code for the main driver is as follows.

! test3rd.MBS

! construct a sample third-angle projection with extra isometric view

! This module is placed in the public domain by its author,
! David M. MacMillan

global drawing module test3rd(

! the size of the model in 3D
float xsize;
float ysize;
float zsize;
float nullsize;   ! a dummy variable used once the size has been calculated

! drawing coordinates (2D window on screen) of the four views
float frontx;
float fronty;
float topx;
float topy;
float rightx;
float righty;
float isox;
float isoy;

! the space between views (2D window on screen)
constant float viewspace = 2;

! the border of the drawing (2D window on screen)
float xmin;
float xmax;
float ymin;
float ymax;

! miscellaneous constants
constant float norot    = 0;    ! do not rotate
constant float nooff    = 0;    ! no offset
constant float fullsize = 1.0; 
constant int   hide     = 1;    ! do hidden line removal
constant int   nohide   = 0;    ! do not 
constant float isoangle = 35.266666; ! angle between the edge of an
                                     ! isometrically projected cube and
                                     ! the plane of projection (35 deg 16 min)


! Clear the Varkon cache so that we always load new object code for
! all modules.
clear_pm ();

! Clear the model, to ensure that we draw afresh.
clear_gm ();

! Place the front (XY) view at left (X=0) and bottom (Y=0) 
! The 3D drawing calculates its size and returns it through the VAR parameters
! xsize, ysize, zsize. 
frontx := 0;
fronty := 0;
csys_1p (#1, "front", vec (frontx, fronty), norot, norot, norot: blank=1);
part (#2, boxlocal (8, 2, 4,
                    nooff, nooff, nooff,
                    0, 0, 0,
                    fullsize, nohide,
                    xsize, ysize, zsize), #1);

! place top view at left (X=0);
! for Y, add model height in 3-space (ysize) +
!            the inter-view separation (viewspace) + 
!            the height of the top view as displayed (zsize)
! Note that the top view "hangs down" from its coordinate system,
! which is at its (local) upper left hand corner.

! The model still calculates its size, which should in fact be the same
! as calculated previously.  To nail down as many variables as possible,
! though, just ignore these calculated values (store them in the
! variable "nullsize").

topx := 0;
topy := ysize + viewspace + zsize;
csys_1p (#3, "top", vec (topx, topy), norot, norot, norot: blank=1);
part (#4, boxlocal (8, 2, 4,
                    nooff, nooff, nooff,
                    90, 0, 0,
                    fullsize, nohide,
                    nullsize, nullsize, nullsize), #3);

! place right view at bottom (Y=0);
! for X, add model width in 3-space (xsize) +
!            the inter-view separation (viewspace) +
!            the width of the right view as displayed (zsize)
! Note that positive direction of the Z axis of the right view is,
! as displayed on the drawing, to the left.
rightx := xsize + viewspace + zsize;
righty := 0;
csys_1p (#5, "right", vec (rightx, righty), norot, norot, norot: blank=1);
part (#6, boxlocal (8, 2, 4,
                    nooff, nooff, nooff,
                    0, -90, 0,
                    fullsize, nohide,
                    nullsize, nullsize, nullsize), #5);

! The isometric view doesn't fit cleanly into the third angle projection
! scheme; it's just being put into some empty space.
! The location calculated here is therefore mostly empirical.
! The size used here is entirely empirical.
isox := rightx - (zsize / 2);
isoy := topy;
csys_1p (#7, "isometric", vec (isox, isoy), norot, norot, norot: blank=1);
part (#8, boxlocal (8, 2, 4,
                    nooff, nooff, nooff,
                    isoangle, -45, 0,
                    0.75, hide,
                    nullsize, nullsize, nullsize), #7);

! Calculate the drawing's overall size.
xmin := -viewspace;
ymin := -viewspace;
xmax := rightx + zsize + viewspace;
ymax := topy + viewspace;

! Draw a border around the drawing.
lin_free (#10, vec (xmin, ymin), vec (xmax, ymin));
lin_free (#11, vec (xmax, ymin), vec (xmax, ymax));
lin_free (#12, vec (xmax, ymax), vec (xmin, ymax));
lin_free (#13, vec (xmin, ymax), vec (xmin, ymin));

! In a more elaborate example, other components of the drawing,
! such as the title box, might go here.


! $Id: vk-3din2d.src,v 1.3 1998/06/17 22:06:02 dmm Exp $
! $Log: vk-3din2d.src,v $
! Revision 1.3  1998/06/17 22:06:02  dmm
! *** empty log message ***
! Revision 1.2  1998/05/28 03:38:04  dmm
! *** empty log message ***

The 3D model itself is simply a right parallelopiped with an extra diagonal line drawn across one end of one face to aid in visual orientation.

! boxlocal.MBS  
! Draw a rectilinear box (right parallelopiped) in a local coordinate system.

! Pass the size, offset, and rotation parameters as float values rather
! than vectors to allow us to be called from 2D drawing modules (which
! don't allow the construction of 3D vectors).

! This module is placed in the public domain by its author,
! David M. MacMillan

local geometry module boxlocal(
   float dx;     ! size of box: X, Y, Z 
   float dy; 
   float dz;
   float xoff;   ! offset of "back left bottom" corner of box
   float yoff;
   float zoff;
   float xrot;   ! rotation around X, Y, Z
   float yrot;
   float zrot;
   float scale;  ! scale of the box; 1.0 is 100%
   int   hide;   ! do or do not generate hidden line removal
var float xsize; ! computed dimensions of model, to pass back to the caller
var float ysize;  
var float zsize

float  dxs;     ! scaled X,Y,Z size
float  dys;
float  dzs;

! coordinates of the corners of the box,
! visualized in the 1st quadrant.
vector lbb;     ! left back bottom; origin
vector lbt;     ! left back top
vector lft;     ! left front top
vector lfb;     ! left front bottom

vector rbb;     ! right back bottom
vector rbt;     ! right back top
vector rft;     ! right front top
vector rfb;     ! right front bottom


! Create a local coordinate system for this model.
csys_1p (#1, "local", vec (xoff, yoff, zoff), xrot, yrot, zrot: blank=1);
mode_local (#1);

! Scale the box.
dxs := dx * scale;
dys := dy * scale;
dzs := dz * scale;

! Calculate the corners of the box.
lbb := vec (0,   0,   0);
lbt := vec (0, dys,   0);
lft := vec (0, dys, dzs);
lfb := vec (0,   0, dzs);

rbb := vec (dxs,   0,   0);
rbt := vec (dxs, dys,   0);
rft := vec (dxs, dys, dzs);
rfb := vec (dxs,   0, dzs);

! Draw the box.
lin_free (#2, lfb, lbb);  ! the edges on the "left" side
lin_free (#3, lft, lbt);
lin_free (#4, lfb, lft);
lin_free (#5, lbb, lbt);

lin_free (#6, rfb, rbb);  ! the edges on the "right" side
lin_free (#7, rft, rbt);
lin_free (#8, rfb, rft);
lin_free (#9, rbb, rbt);

lin_free (#10, lbb, rbb); ! connect the sides
lin_free (#11, lfb, rfb);
lin_free (#12, lbt, rbt);
lin_free (#13, lft, rft);

! Draw a more or less arbitrary diagonal line across the "right" end
! of the "top" face, to aid in visual orientation.
lin_free (#14, on(#13,0.75), on(#12,1));

if hide = 1 then
   ! Dress the box in b_planes for hidden line removal
   b_plane (#20, lbt, lft, rft, rbt);   ! top
   b_plane (#21, rbt, rft, rfb, rbb);   ! right
   b_plane (#22, lft, lfb, rfb, rft);   ! front
   b_plane (#23, lfb, lbb, rbb, rfb);   ! bottom
   b_plane (#24, lbt, lbb, lfb, lft);   ! left
   b_plane (#25, rbt, rbb, lbb, lbt);   ! back

   ! Create a view, identical in projection with the drawing view,
   ! and do hidden line removal in this view.
   cre_view  ("xyhidden", vec (0,0,1));
   act_view  ("xyhidden");
   hide_view ("xyhidden", 1);

! Calculate the overall size of the model, and pass these values back
! through three VAR parameters.
xsize := xoff + dx;
ysize := yoff + dy;
zsize := zoff + dz;


! $Id: vk-3din2d.src,v 1.3 1998/06/17 22:06:02 dmm Exp $
! $Log: vk-3din2d.src,v $
! Revision 1.3  1998/06/17 22:06:02  dmm
! *** empty log message ***
! Revision 1.2  1998/05/28 03:38:04  dmm
! *** empty log message ***

The final result is the following third angle projection, autozoomed to fill the window:

Legal Matters

With the exception of any material noted as being in the public domain, the text, images, and encoding of this document are copyright © 1998 by David M. MacMillan.

The author has no relationship with Microform AB, and this Tutorial is neither a product of nor endorsed by Microform AB.

"Varkon" is a registered trademark of Microform AB, Sweden.

This document is licensed for private, noncommercial, nonprofit viewing by individuals on the World Wide Web. Any other use or copying, including but not limited to republication in printed or electronic media, modification or the creation of derivative works, and any use for profit, is prohibited.

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Version 1.3, 1998/06/17. Feedback to

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