DMM Varkon® Tutorial
A Beginner's Guide to the Varkon Parametric Modeling and CAD Application Development System
By David M. MacMillan

Possible Bugs

The following may or may not be bugs in Varkon 1.15C. Please note that sometimes the decision as to whether something is a bug, a feature, or a fact of nature is a matter of interpretation.

Possible bug in the Basic coordinate system

color error in hidden line removal

Under XFree86 and fvwm, with multiple screens, several commands (printing/plotting, project/job specification) will move to a random window of the multiscreen setup.

At least the following actions trigger this behavior on my system:

The pen that draws a line on the screen has a radius; the pen that plots (at least on the postscript driver) does not.

compilation annoyance: if compilation error, the edit y/n window, which is borderless (can't grab) pops up on top of the error message window


changing the View usually rescales the view of the model (it zooms you in, so you have to hit "Auto" to see the whole model again)

b_plane intersection bug

At certain times, hidden lines show through b_planes. when b_plane composite surfaces are being computed.

Manual Plotting

FILE -> print (== PLOTTING) -> manual plot (PLOTTER) -> postscript -> popup: Enter name of plot file. Name entered Ok. Then "MANUAL PLOT" comes up. If Start Plot, all is fine, using default parameter values. If click on "parameters," then get "PARAMETERS" menu. Can apparently modify parameters, but there is no way to get from this menu to any printing menu (or indeed any other menu) save to right-click on the drawing area to pop back a menu in the menu stack.

This creates an error. A window pops up with:

"Listing - " in the titlebar.


Error interpreting MACRO-statement - (IG 522 2)
Error when module "test2d" calls "#10-p_plott" - (IN 211 2)
Error when module "p_plott" calls "#4-p_savcnf" - (IN 211 2)
OUTLIN, THis file is not open ! - (IN 536 2)

Legal Matters

With the exception of any material noted as being in the public domain, the text, images, and encoding of this document are copyright © 1998 by David M. MacMillan.

The author has no relationship with Microform AB, and this Tutorial is neither a product of nor endorsed by Microform AB.

"Varkon" is a registered trademark of Microform AB, Sweden.

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Version 1.4, 1998/06/17. Feedback to

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