DMM Varkon® Tutorial
A Beginner's Guide to the Varkon Parametric Modeling and CAD Application Development System
By David M. MacMillan

12. Utility Models

  1. Show Widths
  2. Show Pen Colors
  3. Show lfonts (Line Styles)
  4. Square 2D Grid
  5. Square 3D Grid
  6. Visible Coordinate System in 2D
  7. Visible Coordinate System in 3D

12.1 Show Widths

The following MBS module shows a vertical stack of lines through a range of line widths. Lines are displayed with the width number on the left and the Y coordinate of the line, relative to the middle of the first line displayed, on the right. A small line on the right of each line indicates the line's centerline.

The calling syntax is:

showwidth (firstline, numlines, linespacing, linelength);

All parameters are integers.

On my system, pens that draw on the screen seem to be circular in shape, resulting in a radius at each end of the line. However, the pens that plot seem to be lines, and there is no radius on these lines as plotted.

! showwidth.MBS
! Draw examples of all line widths

global drawing module showwidth(
   int firstline; 
   int numlines; 
   int linespacing;
   int linelength

   vector start, stop;
   float  x1,  y1;
   float  x2,  y2;
   float  dx,  dy;
   int    ix;
   vector textpos;


  dx := linelength;
  dy := linespacing;

  x1 := 0;
  y1 := 0;
  x2 := x1 + dx;
  y2 := 0;

  start := vec (x1, y1);
  stop  := vec (x1, y2 + dy);
  lin_free (#1, start, stop: width=0);
  start := vec (x2, y1);
  stop  := vec (x2, y2 + dy);
  lin_free (#2, start, stop: width=0);

  for ix := firstline to (firstline + numlines - 1) do
     y1 := y1 + dy;
     y2 := y2 + dy;

     start := vec (x1, y1);
     stop  := vec (x2, y2);
     textpos := vec (x1 - 20, y1);
     text (#3, textpos, 0, str(ix, 2, 0));

     lin_free (#4, start, stop: width=ix);
     start := vec (x1, y1);
     stop  := vec (x1, y2 + dy);
     lin_free (#5, start, stop: width=0);
     start := vec (x2, y1);
     stop  := vec (x2, y2 + dy);
     lin_free (#6, start, stop: width=0);

     start := vec (x2 + 5, y2);
     stop  := vec (x2 + 55, y2);
     lin_free (#7, start, stop: width=0);
     textpos := vec (x2 + 20, y2);
     text (#8, textpos, 0, str((ix * 20), 3, 1));


To invoke this module to display the lines from 0 to 4 (5 lines total), use, for instance, an active module containing:

  part(#1,showwidth(0, 5, 20, 200));


To invoke this module to display the lines from 7 to 16 (10 lines total), use, for instance, an active module containing:

  part(#1,showwidth(7, 10, 30, 300));


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With the exception of any material noted as being in the public domain, the text, images, and encoding of this document are copyright © 1998 by David M. MacMillan.

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"Varkon" is a registered trademark of Microform AB, Sweden.

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Version 1.4, 1998/06/17. Feedback to

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