Updates from the Workshop

(2020 Archive)

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At eighteen our convictions are hills from which we look; at forty-five they are caves in which we hide. - F. Scott Fitzgerald. Bernice Bobs Her Hair (1920).


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(This is an archive of updates from 2020. For current updates, an explanation of what this all is, and the reason that a quotation and painting from 1920 appear above, go one level up.)

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2020-05-18. (Something potentially useful for a change.) Re-creating my favorite sawhorses. With a CAD model and drawings.

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G0759 Mill Enclosure

2020-04-18. An experimental/prototype enclosure for a Grizzly G0759 manual milling machine (without flood coolant).

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Angle Blocks (after Pieczynski)

2020-04-03. For making a part for my Barth Type Caster I needed to machine a setup tool (an angle block) with an uncommon angle (8° 20′). To do this I used a very elegant method that I learned from a video by online machinist Joe Pieczynski.

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Junior Engineering (1976)

This isn't an update about a current project. Instead, it is an entirely personal recollection of two extraordinary shop classes that I had in Junior High School. If they weren't unique they were close too it. Google knows nothing of them. They deserve not only to be remembered but to be revived.

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First Electro Workbench

2020-03-19. For copper plating and matrix electroforming.

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A Matrix Electroforming Case

2020-03-06. The most remarkable, and probably the most difficult, method of electroforming typographical matrices was that used by the late Andy Dunker. It's no fun starting with the easy way.

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ATF 2020 Announcement


Postponed to 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

About the images